Hi efurrybody, it's Saku here today. I sure like helping my mom bean with her needles.
Mom bean says it's fine when I cuddle in and sit still but....
sometimes I has to let her know I need some attenshun!
Happy Caturday efurrybody!
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Sleepy Sunday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today!
It's gray and gloomy outside with some snow. Inside it's warm and comfy so I bet you can guess what Sasha and I are doing. :)
Mom bean says it even looks like I'm smiling in this picture. Maybe I'm dreaming about real live dead beef.*
Have a good Sunday efurrybody!
*I made a roast beef last Sunday, the cats and I have enjoyed the leftovers this week.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Callie Caturday
Hi efurrybody, it's cuzin Callie here today. My hoo-man sent these pictures to Sasha and Saku's mom bean - she thought you'd like to see how big (and smart) I am!
I got these woofies where I want 'em. That's Gracie (black and white) who is supposed to live at the neighbour's house and my sisfur woofie.
Oh, I should tell you about their latest escapade. They went running last weekend and while they were away, Cola got caught in a snare for a coyote. Luckily it broke (the trapper said he does that deliberately so he doesn't trap a deer), but she spent several hours in the trap. This is what her nose looked like! She had to go see the ebil v e t for medicine. Thankfully she's all better now.
I got these woofies where I want 'em. That's Gracie (black and white) who is supposed to live at the neighbour's house and my sisfur woofie.
Oh, I should tell you about their latest escapade. They went running last weekend and while they were away, Cola got caught in a snare for a coyote. Luckily it broke (the trapper said he does that deliberately so he doesn't trap a deer), but she spent several hours in the trap. This is what her nose looked like! She had to go see the ebil v e t for medicine. Thankfully she's all better now.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Who's she visiting?

The old mom bean came to visit me and Stanley this week. She likes to say she's visiting the sticky bean and his mom, but I knows the truth!
We had lots of cuddles and I even slept with her all night both nights she was here. She was furry happy though she did say I hogged most of the couch.

Have a happy Caturday efurrybody!!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Happy, not happy Caturday
Hi efurrybody, mom bean was so happy to see we were hanging out together. Sasha, on the other hand, was not thrilled to find Saku napping so close to his favorite spot.
So, of course, she had to bring out the flashy box. Neither of us is happy now.
Have a happy Caturday efurrybody!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Greedy visitor
Hi efurrybody! It's not furry nice weather these days, so we don't get to hang out in the sunny room 'cuz it's too cold. We spend lots of our time curled up napping, Sasha on the couch, and Saku on the mom bean's bed (or UTB).
So we thought we'd share a photo of a regular visitor to the burd feeder.
So we thought we'd share a photo of a regular visitor to the burd feeder.
Mr. Squirrel really likes the sunflower seeds! He usually shows up after the birds have been there, but sometimes mom bean goes out and shoos him away. He's a piggy!
Have a great day efurrybody!
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Morning parade
Hi efurrybody, we're both here today. Efurry morning, Sasha wakes up the mom bean by yelling in her face. She doesn't need no stinkin' alarm clock, he does it for her.
We have her well trained. She gets up, goes to the kitchen and gets our breakfast. Sasha eats in the bedroom, while Saku eats in the kitchen. (Guess who finishes first? Hint: it's not me - Sasha).
While Sasha eats, mom bean gets ready for her day, gets dressed, and makes the bed. Then Saku yells at the bedroom door wanting in. Much training has worked and mom bean goes to the bean litter box room and turns on the tap. Saku prefers his water to be dripping.
Sasha usually wants a drink of water sometime in the middle of his meal, so he shows up too. After he gets a drink he goes back and cleans up his bowl. (Mom bean has to watch it while he's drinking 'cuz I like to finish it for him, MOL - Saku)
This morning mom bean got a video of part of the morning routine. It doesn't look like it is very good quality, but hopefully it will show up for you to see. Guess we got more training to do.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Monday, November 4, 2019
No fun Monday
Hi efurrybody! Saku here today.
It's furry cold here today. Mom bean told me it is -17C (1F). It's a good day to stay cozy and nap.
But we did have a bit of excitement this morning. This burd hit the front window while I was cuddling with mom bean. We both ran to the window to look out. It looked like it was a goner but when she went out to check on it a few minutes later it was sitting up and looking around.
That's one lucky burd. Have a great day efurrybody!
It's furry cold here today. Mom bean told me it is -17C (1F). It's a good day to stay cozy and nap.
But we did have a bit of excitement this morning. This burd hit the front window while I was cuddling with mom bean. We both ran to the window to look out. It looked like it was a goner but when she went out to check on it a few minutes later it was sitting up and looking around.
That's one lucky burd. Have a great day efurrybody!
Friday, October 25, 2019
It's started
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today!
The mom bean is watching the hurry hard people on the noisy box. You know what that means, right?
It means more lap time for me!!!
She says it will be on for three more days (or seventy eleven naps, whichever comes first).
Have a great day efurrybody!
Pee Ess: I don't look happy in this picture 'cuz the mom bean kept bugging me to look at her. Sheesh these beans, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
The mom bean is watching the hurry hard people on the noisy box. You know what that means, right?
It means more lap time for me!!!
She says it will be on for three more days (or seventy eleven naps, whichever comes first).
Have a great day efurrybody!
Pee Ess: I don't look happy in this picture 'cuz the mom bean kept bugging me to look at her. Sheesh these beans, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Saturday, October 5, 2019
A truly Happy Caturday!
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here today!
We've got sunshine today, and you know what that means? Sunny room time! Since I'm a furry old kitty, that sunshine feels so good on my furs and soaks right through to my bones.
Ah, the life of a cat. Now I just need to get the mom bean to get out of here with the flash box.*
Have a happy Caturday efurrybody!
*no flash required.
We've got sunshine today, and you know what that means? Sunny room time! Since I'm a furry old kitty, that sunshine feels so good on my furs and soaks right through to my bones.
Ah, the life of a cat. Now I just need to get the mom bean to get out of here with the flash box.*
Have a happy Caturday efurrybody!
*no flash required.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Hi efurrybody, guess who?
It's me Sheldon with my brofur Stanley!
The old mom bean came for a visit, though she sure didn't stay furry long. We got in a few pats and Stanley sat on her lap for a little bit. We like it better when she stays overnight so we can sleep on her. MOL!
Have a great day efurrybody!
Monday, September 16, 2019
Meet the fur cuzins
Hi efurrybody!
The mom bean went and visited the brother and family yesterday and met our newest fur cuzin. She took some pictures to share with our furriends.
First off, here is Hollywood. She is the sisfur of our Angel kitties, Shady and Silas. She is 16 years old, is blind, but still is eating well. Her bean father isn't happy with her as she doesn't always get to the box in time. But mom bean gave him some ideas and things are going some better than there were a couple of weeks ago.
This is the newest fur cuzin. Meet Callie! She is a four month old tortie, and looks a lot like Hollywood's mom, Puddy. She's a furry nice kitty and isn't afraid of Hollywood or her woofie brofur.
She spent part of her morning chasing grasshoppers in the yard, so she pretty much slept the whole time Mom bean was there!
See all the beds? The littlest one for Callie, a medium sized one for Hollywood, and a big bed for....
Cola! She's about 2 years old, and a German shepherd mix. Cola is furry shy and not certain about the mom bean being there. Though she did let mom bean pet her just a little bit.
She's been with the family for just over a year and was a rescue dog.
Hollywood doesn't like either of her new fursibs furry much, Callie lubs Cola, but Cola isn't furry sure of her. It was funny to watch the kitten try to crawl up on the woofie. We know who is going to be the boss of the fursibs!
Have a great day efurrybody!
The mom bean went and visited the brother and family yesterday and met our newest fur cuzin. She took some pictures to share with our furriends.
She spent part of her morning chasing grasshoppers in the yard, so she pretty much slept the whole time Mom bean was there!
See all the beds? The littlest one for Callie, a medium sized one for Hollywood, and a big bed for....
Cola! She's about 2 years old, and a German shepherd mix. Cola is furry shy and not certain about the mom bean being there. Though she did let mom bean pet her just a little bit.
She's been with the family for just over a year and was a rescue dog.
Hollywood doesn't like either of her new fursibs furry much, Callie lubs Cola, but Cola isn't furry sure of her. It was funny to watch the kitten try to crawl up on the woofie. We know who is going to be the boss of the fursibs!
Have a great day efurrybody!
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Happy Caturday!
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today!
Mom bean says she wishes I could learn to relax. Ha! I'm a great relaxer.
It's going to be a great Caturday here. The sun is shining and the sunny room will be open pretty soon for us to hang out in. Right now I'm curled up on the mom's bean lap. Yep, life is sure good.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Mom bean says she wishes I could learn to relax. Ha! I'm a great relaxer.
It's going to be a great Caturday here. The sun is shining and the sunny room will be open pretty soon for us to hang out in. Right now I'm curled up on the mom's bean lap. Yep, life is sure good.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Monday, September 9, 2019
Still here
Hi efurrybody, it's Sasha here today. This photo was taken several days ago during my elebenty sixty seventh nap of the day...when the sun was shining. Today it's cloudy and cool so no sunny room time for us.

We did have some time in the sunny room yesterday but the sticky bean was here. He pestered me and pestered me until I finally had had enough and I snapped at him. (No, Sasha did not bite E). He left me alone then and I was able to get a good nap.
I think the mom bean should invest in one of these cages for the sticky bean! Mom bean says it was at our bean sisfur's friends house and is meant for the woofies. Whatever, if it would keep the sticky bean away from me.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Pee Ess: We're about to fire the mom bean...she's so lousy at helping us post. I'll be taking applications after my nap. ZZZZZzzzzz.

We did have some time in the sunny room yesterday but the sticky bean was here. He pestered me and pestered me until I finally had had enough and I snapped at him. (No, Sasha did not bite E). He left me alone then and I was able to get a good nap.
I think the mom bean should invest in one of these cages for the sticky bean! Mom bean says it was at our bean sisfur's friends house and is meant for the woofies. Whatever, if it would keep the sticky bean away from me.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Pee Ess: We're about to fire the mom bean...she's so lousy at helping us post. I'll be taking applications after my nap. ZZZZZzzzzz.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Nap, disturbed

The mom bean caught me napping* and thought to get a photo because she thinks I'm so cute.
Of course, I woke up before she got the picture. We kitties are furry sensitive to noise, right? Okay maybe not always.
Have a great day efurrybody!
*catching him napping is not the issue, waking him is.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
My space
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here today.
I was tucked in on my side of the bed when the mom bean decided she needed a photo of me. Don't I look comfy?
Mom bean says for a little cat I sure take up a lot of room on the bed. I say that's my pero, perog, right to do so! My spot is in front of the pillows right beside her. She used to sleep on that side of the bed but I took it for myself.
Saku purrfurs the end of the bed. I think he knows better than to try to sleep in my spot. Sometimes he is a smart kitty.
Have a great day efurrybody!
I was tucked in on my side of the bed when the mom bean decided she needed a photo of me. Don't I look comfy?
Mom bean says for a little cat I sure take up a lot of room on the bed. I say that's my pero, perog, right to do so! My spot is in front of the pillows right beside her. She used to sleep on that side of the bed but I took it for myself.
Saku purrfurs the end of the bed. I think he knows better than to try to sleep in my spot. Sometimes he is a smart kitty.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Good kitty
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
We had a couple more rides in the car this week. Mom bean took this picture of me in my carrier.
You can see that I'm buckled in. So was mom bean so she didn't get a furry good photo 'cuz she had to squish around to take the photo (and no, she wasn't driving). I also has my blanket with me.
Mom bean says I (and Sasha) was a good boy on this trip. I didn't yell or talk loud to her and just chillaxed in my carrier. We're getting tired of these car rides but mom has learned to park the car just a short ride away from home, turn the masheen off, and open the windows for fresh air.
The other thing she's learned is Sasha can't see her when he's in his carrier...or else he yells! So we have our furry own spots in the car. See, I is a good kitty!
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!

You can see that I'm buckled in. So was mom bean so she didn't get a furry good photo 'cuz she had to squish around to take the photo (and no, she wasn't driving). I also has my blanket with me.
Mom bean says I (and Sasha) was a good boy on this trip. I didn't yell or talk loud to her and just chillaxed in my carrier. We're getting tired of these car rides but mom has learned to park the car just a short ride away from home, turn the masheen off, and open the windows for fresh air.
The other thing she's learned is Sasha can't see her when he's in his carrier...or else he yells! So we have our furry own spots in the car. See, I is a good kitty!
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Friday, August 2, 2019
Spoiled rotten or just a deserving cat?
Hi effurybody Saku here today. I was helping the mom bean last night with her crotcheting. She says crocheting but if you heard the words she says when I try to help....sheesh you'd think I was getting in the way or something.
Look at the face. Does that look like the face of a kitty who gets in the way? Never mind, don't answer that question. MOL! Of course I'm in the way, 'cuz I deserve my lap time. That is, if I can't have the chair to myself.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Look at the face. Does that look like the face of a kitty who gets in the way? Never mind, don't answer that question. MOL! Of course I'm in the way, 'cuz I deserve my lap time. That is, if I can't have the chair to myself.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Friday, July 26, 2019
Plotting a takeover

This darn mom bean of ours is horrible. She hasn't let us post furever!! And she let that pest Sheldon have a post of his own. Seriously, if we could open those cans of stinky goodness on our own we'd get rid of her.
So, what's a kitty to do? I thought and thought (well, maybe not) but I did takeover her chair. Maybe seeing me next to the 'puter is enough to remind her she's been neg..negli...forgetting to post for Sasha and me.
AND guess what? It worked 'cuz here I am!
Not much new around here, we keep going for car rides while other beans go into our house. Sometimes I don't mind but sometimes I do and I let her know. When we're not riding in the car, I hang out in the sunny room when it is sunny and sometimes when it is not, like today. Or I come and cuddle on mom bean's lap.
Time for my thirty third nap of the morning. Mom bean says there is another car ride planned for later this morning, so I best get my rest. Have a great day efurrybody!
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
A visit from Sheldon
Hi efurrybody! It's Sheldon here today.
The old mom bean came for a visit to my new place. You can tell I'm quite content here. I've got lots of sunny places to hang out and nap, good foods, and a brofur to play with. Even the sticky bean isn't that bad...though he sure loves to hug me.

Here's my brofur Stanley He likes to sneak out the door when the beans aren't watching. But he's a good kitty too because when the old mom bean calls here kitty kitty he stops and lets her bring him back inside.
I do like it when the old mom bean comes to visit and I always get in a good cuddle. She's makes a great place to sleep at night because she's soft and warm. Stanley loves her too and enjoys head butting her to get pats and scritches.
Life is good kitties. Have a great day efurrybody!
The old mom bean came for a visit to my new place. You can tell I'm quite content here. I've got lots of sunny places to hang out and nap, good foods, and a brofur to play with. Even the sticky bean isn't that bad...though he sure loves to hug me.

Here's my brofur Stanley He likes to sneak out the door when the beans aren't watching. But he's a good kitty too because when the old mom bean calls here kitty kitty he stops and lets her bring him back inside.
I do like it when the old mom bean comes to visit and I always get in a good cuddle. She's makes a great place to sleep at night because she's soft and warm. Stanley loves her too and enjoys head butting her to get pats and scritches.
Life is good kitties. Have a great day efurrybody!
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Good things

We're getting lots of sunshine but appawently there was a big storm the other night with lots of thunder noises. I wouldn't know 'cuz I slept through the whole thing. Sometimes being an old kitty is good.
You know what else is good? When the mom bean goes out shopping for our stinky goodness and finds it on sale! She bought three cases, different variety with 24 cans in each.
This ought to keep us eating for awhile!
Have a great day efurrybody!
Monday, July 1, 2019
Thursday, June 27, 2019
We all need a little help
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today!
I'm helping the mom bean! You see, our bean sisfur's furriend has made a blanket for the sticky bean and mom bean is finishing it off by crocheting a border. She set it down on the floor for a minute and I sat on it to make sure it doesn't run away on her.
I gotta tell you it is pretty darn soft! In fact it is so comfy I think I'll take a nap. Mom, you're gonna have to wait until I wake up to work on it. Sorry, not sorry!
Have a great day efurrybody!

Have a great day efurrybody!
Friday, June 14, 2019
And we thought the birds were noisy!
Hi efurrybody! We've got a no sun, noisy day happening here.
There are a bunch of guys in orange vests with yellow stripes making noise and a mess in our backyard. Mom bean says they are here to move a gas line...whatever that is.

Sasha doesn't seem too concerned - it helps to be old and going deaf! He says he's just going to settle in on the couch and take a nap.
Saku on the other hand is not impressed! He says, how is a kitty supposed to nap when there is such a racket going on? Well, we sure hope they won't be here all day.
Have agreat quiet day efurrbody!
Pieces of the sidewalk to be hauled away |
There are a bunch of guys in orange vests with yellow stripes making noise and a mess in our backyard. Mom bean says they are here to move a gas line...whatever that is.
Sasha doesn't seem too concerned - it helps to be old and going deaf! He says he's just going to settle in on the couch and take a nap.
Saku on the other hand is not impressed! He says, how is a kitty supposed to nap when there is such a racket going on? Well, we sure hope they won't be here all day.
Have a
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Getting our easy on
Hi efurrybody, Sasha and Saku here today. We're enjoying our easy in the sunny room!
Sasha is curled up in a chair fast asleep.
Saku is up in the cat tree watching the great outdoors.
I've got a great view of the bird bath and the feeder too. Mom bean went out earlier and filled both of them. But for a little while both were empty!
But not for long - that's a grackle in the feeder.
And one of the babies at the bird bath. It's sure getting big and the feathers are coming in.
Then Mr. Squirrel showed up for his lunch. Mom bean went out and told him to leave some for the birds. He went away ...but for how long?
Have a great easy Sunday efurrybody!
Saku is up in the cat tree watching the great outdoors.
I've got a great view of the bird bath and the feeder too. Mom bean went out earlier and filled both of them. But for a little while both were empty!
And one of the babies at the bird bath. It's sure getting big and the feathers are coming in.
Then Mr. Squirrel showed up for his lunch. Mom bean went out and told him to leave some for the birds. He went away ...but for how long?
Have a great easy Sunday efurrybody!
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Someone turn it down please
Our cat television channel has been furry noisy the last couple of days!
There are now four baby grackles that have flown the coop. Well, maybe not flown 'cuz they don't fly furry well. But they can fly short distances, like up on top of the feeder, the bird bath, and even the fence.
There were actually two that were hanging out on the ground underneath the feeder. Mom bean says they don't eat the seed that has fallen though.

This one took a bath in the bird bath and then, darned bird, it pooped on the rock, and dirtied the bath water! Mom bean laffs at the little feather tufts on its head.
The little one was waiting for one of the pawrents to show up with some food. Mom bean tried to get a photo of the feeding but neither bird would cooperate. The little one squawks up a storm when it is hungry so mom bean always knows when they are out there.
They were all furry noisy this morning when Mr. Squirrel paid a visit to the feeder. The pawrents even tried to make him go away but he didn't, he just tucked his tail in and kept on eating.
Mom bean thought she might stop feeding the birds for a couple of days so maybe the grackles would go somewhere else. But she's a softie and doesn't want to keep the other birds from having a snack too. Or even Mr. Squirrel.

Have a great day efurrybody!
There are now four baby grackles that have flown the coop. Well, maybe not flown 'cuz they don't fly furry well. But they can fly short distances, like up on top of the feeder, the bird bath, and even the fence.
There were actually two that were hanging out on the ground underneath the feeder. Mom bean says they don't eat the seed that has fallen though.
This one took a bath in the bird bath and then, darned bird, it pooped on the rock, and dirtied the bath water! Mom bean laffs at the little feather tufts on its head.
The little one was waiting for one of the pawrents to show up with some food. Mom bean tried to get a photo of the feeding but neither bird would cooperate. The little one squawks up a storm when it is hungry so mom bean always knows when they are out there.
They were all furry noisy this morning when Mr. Squirrel paid a visit to the feeder. The pawrents even tried to make him go away but he didn't, he just tucked his tail in and kept on eating.
Mom bean thought she might stop feeding the birds for a couple of days so maybe the grackles would go somewhere else. But she's a softie and doesn't want to keep the other birds from having a snack too. Or even Mr. Squirrel.
Have a great day efurrybody!
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