Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Christmouse past and napping present

 Hi everybuddy! 

Hope you all had a good Christmouse. It was pretty good here, even with a visit from the sticky bean. He's not quite as sticky as he used to be and I even had a nap on the couch while he was sitting on the other end. Mom bean says that's darn near a miracle.

I got a brand new lamb nip toy and a wand toy with a squeaky mouse and feathers too. The little bean liked playing with the wand toy and I chased the mouse. Once I grabbed the mouse in my mouth and took off with it with the little bean holding the wand. Mom bean said it was furry funny but she didn't get a photo.

She did get this photo of me though. The last few nights I've decided I want to sleep under the covers with her. I only get to stay there if I don't scratch usually doesn't last long. But one night I actually fell asleep!

Have a great day everybuddy!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

We got a visit

 Hi efurrybody! It's Sheldon and Stanley here today. We just had a visit from the old mom bean. We sure like it when she shows up.

Stanley: Yep, 'cuz I get my coffee fix and...

Sheldon: We both gets stinky goodness!

Well, to be fair our mom bean gives us those too, just not as often as the old mom bean does.

Here we are on top of the deep freeze. The treat bag is in the cupboard up above us. Funny story, it has a hole in it....we has no idea how that happened, MOL...and when the old mom bean pulled it out of the cupboard it spilled a whole lots of treats for us. Did she let us pick them up...yes, she did. Yum!

Have a great day efurrybody!

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Same old, same old

 It's cool here today, and I told the mom bean I'm going to hang out with my blanket and relax today.

In other words, nothing different from any other day, MOL!

Saturday, August 6, 2022


Hi efurrybody! Mom bean started a jigsaw puzzle the other day, and I decided to help. 

For some reason, she didn't much appreciate it. I don't understand why.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Long time no see

Hi efurrybody! Sorry it has been so long since I've been around. The mom bean is the laziest bean I know...not that I know many but still.  She says it is 'cuz life with me isn't furry exciting. I sleep, I eat, I poop, I hork occasionally, and I demand foods and attention.

You know what is exciting? I get to go outside almost efurry day. Unless it's raining, then I just stand at the open sun room door and decline the offer.

Sometimes after I munch on the grass mom bean even lets me explore more of the back yard. But not too far, because she's afraid I'll get under the deck and be a pain in the *sterisk to get out. Who me?

I just have to convince her to quit mowing the grass. MOL!

Have a great day efurrybody!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Watch Cat

Good Caturday morning, efurrybody!

Mom bean went outside this morning to feed the burds and I kept watch from my cat tree. Those burds are furry hungry!

Fattening them up...maybe I'll invite them in for dinner. MOL!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Sunny Days again!

Hi everybuddy! 

It's sunny days here and the sunny room has been open most afternoons. I was having a lovely nap this afternoon and then click, click, click.

 I got woke up by that darn flashy box...though no flashy was needed.

I don't look furry pleased do I?

Now I'm bugging mom bean asking nicely for treats. I deserve them, don't you think?

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Hi Jack blog

 Hi efurrybody, it's Sheldon here today with my brofur Stanley!

The old mom bean came to visit us last week. (and the sticky bean). She brought her 'puter and put it on our table.  Me and Stanley thought it was a great place to hang out. It was warm and she would give us lots of pats. She's a good old bean.

Sometimes I sat on her chair and sometimes she almost sat on me! But I'm a big boy now and she never squished me.  

We always like when she visits 'cuz she loves on us, and we love on her too. Then she reminds the other mom bean to brush us, 'cuz Stanley sheds like crazy. Me, not so much but I love the scritches from the brush too.

Bye for now!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Sunny Days

 Hi efurrybody, I'm having a nap right now but I asked the mom bean to post this for me.  We're having some sunny days, so I get to go out to the sunny room. This is what I did out there yesterday!

It was great!

Monday, January 17, 2022

She asks why?


I have a perfectly good water fountain. I've even been known to use it from time to time.

*Sasha always used it, and Saku would always chose to have a drink at the same time. - mom

Don't tell her, but I prefer fresh water from the tap. 

*Saku has even developed a new meurp sound that lets me know when he's thirsty. Of course, I respond. :p - mom

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!

 Mom bean says it is a new year - I don't know exactly what that means but I do know a bunch of the decorations and the tree were put away today. Maybe it means she's going to clean the house? 

There are no new photos of me today. Instead mom bean found one from years ago when I was just a young'un. She says I was almost five years old when this was taken, now I'm almost 14.  I haven't changed much.

Can you tell I was helping make the bed? MOL! 

Katie, can you see I had a mousie too?  It's still alive and kicking downstairs.

Whatever it means to you, Happy New Year efurrybody!