Sunday, July 24, 2022

Long time no see

Hi efurrybody! Sorry it has been so long since I've been around. The mom bean is the laziest bean I know...not that I know many but still.  She says it is 'cuz life with me isn't furry exciting. I sleep, I eat, I poop, I hork occasionally, and I demand foods and attention.

You know what is exciting? I get to go outside almost efurry day. Unless it's raining, then I just stand at the open sun room door and decline the offer.

Sometimes after I munch on the grass mom bean even lets me explore more of the back yard. But not too far, because she's afraid I'll get under the deck and be a pain in the *sterisk to get out. Who me?

I just have to convince her to quit mowing the grass. MOL!

Have a great day efurrybody!