Sunday, November 17, 2019

Greedy visitor

Hi efurrybody!  It's not furry nice weather these days, so we don't get to hang out in the sunny room 'cuz it's too cold.  We spend lots of our time curled up napping, Sasha on the couch, and Saku on the mom bean's bed (or UTB).

So we thought we'd share a photo of a regular visitor to the burd feeder.  
Mr. Squirrel really likes the sunflower seeds!  He usually shows up after the birds have been there, but sometimes mom bean goes out and shoos him away.  He's a piggy!

Have a great day efurrybody!


  1. Squirrels ARE greedy little things! It's great your mom's feeding him, though. He needs to eat too!

  2. I guess that guy is hungry. Either that, or he's just gathering stuff for the long winter ahead. :)

  3. Haha yes those squirrels do hog the bird feeder and eat all the food before birds can have enough. They are fun to watch, though :-)

  4. That squirrel is pretty sneaky stealing all the bird food.

  5. But they are so cute! too bad they think they have to throw around the stuff they dont wanna eat when they're gettin' the sunflower seeds!

  6. Beautiful picture; aside from the cute squirrel, I love the lighting and the colours. I hope whoever moves into the house next is as caring toward the local animals as your mum.

  7. Mommy used to get mad at the squirrels because they and the deer ate all her sunflower hearts she left out for the birds.

  8. doodz...just sayin.....but de amount oh moneez mom iz spendin on BURD SEED
    could bee put ta better uze....we noe.. ewe noe... what we meen ~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥
