Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Morning parade

Hi efurrybody, we're both here today.  Efurry morning, Sasha wakes up the mom bean by yelling in her face.  She doesn't need no stinkin' alarm clock, he does it for her.

We have her well trained.  She gets up, goes to the kitchen and gets our breakfast.  Sasha eats in the bedroom, while Saku eats in the kitchen.  (Guess who finishes first?  Hint: it's not me - Sasha).  

While Sasha eats, mom bean gets ready for her day, gets dressed, and makes the bed.  Then Saku yells at the bedroom door wanting in.  Much training has worked and mom bean goes to the bean litter box room and turns on the tap.  Saku prefers his water to be dripping.  

Sasha usually wants a drink of water sometime in the middle of his meal, so he shows up too.  After  he gets a drink he goes back and cleans up his bowl.  (Mom bean has to watch it while he's drinking 'cuz I like to finish it for him, MOL - Saku)

This morning mom bean got a video of part of the morning routine.  It doesn't look like it is very good quality, but hopefully it will show up for you to see.  Guess we got more training to do.

Have a great day efurrybody!


  1. You guys have a pretty good morning routine.

  2. Awww, you two are so sweet. You have your mom well-trained, we think!

  3. I love the video. Sooo cute! You do have your mom bean very well trained :-) Sounds like everything flows smoothly according to your schedule!

  4. Ha! Every cat-person has her or his routine, and it’s always based on the cats. I liked seeing Saku at the tap. My Tungsten used to like a dripping tap, too. I miss her.

  5. Your routine in the morning is awesome. You sure do have your Mom Bean well trained! :)

  6. S & S...yur mooveez total lee rockin....onlee thing mizzin in de sink iz fish...tozz sum minnow in ther next time...itz GRATE fun....trooth :) ♥♥

  7. Mom and I love it when parents include videos. MOm's trained. She feeds me first before anything else! I drink in the human litterbox too.
