Hi efurrybody, it's Sasha and Sheldon here.
We asked the mom bean to make this picture as big as she can. She says it is getting harder efurryday to tell us apart. Do you know?
Saku says he wants to say hi too!
He's the easy one to pick out of the three of us.
We're all enjoying our winter's naps. It's still furry cold out there but not as bad as it was yesterday so the mom bean is about to head out the door to visit some furriends for the evening. We're pretty sure we have the better idea.
Happy New Year to all of our furriends! We sure appawciate that you stop by to say hi even though we're hardly efur around. We wish you all a year of purrs, treats, and lots of lubs. May efurry kitty and woofie be safe, warm, and fed in 2018.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Happy Boxing Day!
So Santa Paws made it here after all!
And check this out, Saku got a new box too, just in time for Boxing Day! That sticky bean broke his other one (he liked to flip it over and sit on it...silly bean). Mom bean got him that thing in the background...maybe he'll learn to sit on it instead.
After a long winter's nap (with touching!) we all woke up to find these.
It's a little hard to tell, but there is a new wand toy with fevvers, a squeaky mouse, and a nip worm. We all like them furry much!
Even with three toys, the fight was on. It was short-lived though as the mom bean hollered at Saku and Sheldon to cut.it.out.
Okay, mom...we'll share. At least while you are watching. :p
We hope all of our furriends had a wonderful Christmouse and a Happy Boxing Day too.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Merry Christmouse Eve!
Mom bean says sometimes she isn't sure where one of us begins and the other ends. BTW, that's Sheldon on the left.
We're prepping for Santa Paws arrival by having a morning nap. This will be followed by an afternoon nap, an evening nap, and then a good night's sleep. There will be a bit of zoomies in between and some noshing too, of course.
It's a shower kitten...curtain! She got it early 'cuz her furriend said she needed a smile this week. It sure makes her smile.
What you cannot see is the Sheldon kitten hiding behind the curtain. Mom bean tried to convince him to poke his head out for a picture but he wouldn't do it.
Merry Christmouse efurrybody! We wish you all a wonderful day of extra scritches and treats.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Curious Caturday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
As you can see, I'm hanging out on the stool in front of the Christmouse tree. I'm a little perplexed though...'cuz I've checked out efurryone of those prezzies and there isn't a one that has my name on it!
None of the smell like 'nip or when shaken, jingle. Though there is one that yells at me in sticky bean speak.
I find this all furry curious. Have I not been a good kitty all year? Why yes, I have. To prove it, I would point to this picture...
See there is our pesky little brofur Sheldon. He is in my tree and I'm not having a hissy fit! Mom bean says I'm a furry good boy for sharing. Actually, it is more about Sheldon not sharing....but what does she know.
Anyway, do you suppose Santa will be here soon? AND will he bring me a prezzie? Or am I going to get a lump of kitty litter?
Have a good Caturday efurrybody!
As you can see, I'm hanging out on the stool in front of the Christmouse tree. I'm a little perplexed though...'cuz I've checked out efurryone of those prezzies and there isn't a one that has my name on it!
None of the smell like 'nip or when shaken, jingle. Though there is one that yells at me in sticky bean speak.
I find this all furry curious. Have I not been a good kitty all year? Why yes, I have. To prove it, I would point to this picture...
See there is our pesky little brofur Sheldon. He is in my tree and I'm not having a hissy fit! Mom bean says I'm a furry good boy for sharing. Actually, it is more about Sheldon not sharing....but what does she know.
Anyway, do you suppose Santa will be here soon? AND will he bring me a prezzie? Or am I going to get a lump of kitty litter?
Have a good Caturday efurrybody!
Sunday, December 3, 2017
Grateful Sunday
Hi efurrybody! Sheldon here today, from under the sparkly Chrismouse tree.
It's a pretty cozy spot, soft and warm. Me and Saku like to hang out there a lot, though he usually doesn't like to share.
So far, Mom bean says I've been a good boy and only a few of theornaments cat toys have fallen been knocked off the tree.
But I'm really not here to talk about me. We are all furry grateful for our furriends here on the interwebs. Today we're 'specially grateful to Jan and the woofies and kitties at Jans Funny Farm. Jan asked our Mom bean if she would like a new banner (Jan did the first one too), and not only did Jan offer to make the new one but she also made us a Chrismouse one too! Isn't it pawsome! We sure think so. Mom bean has no idea how to make a banner, but she was able to change the background so it looked a little more festive too.
Thank you Jan, and all our furriends at Jans Funny Farm! You have made our Sunday extra special.
It's a pretty cozy spot, soft and warm. Me and Saku like to hang out there a lot, though he usually doesn't like to share.
So far, Mom bean says I've been a good boy and only a few of the
But I'm really not here to talk about me. We are all furry grateful for our furriends here on the interwebs. Today we're 'specially grateful to Jan and the woofies and kitties at Jans Funny Farm. Jan asked our Mom bean if she would like a new banner (Jan did the first one too), and not only did Jan offer to make the new one but she also made us a Chrismouse one too! Isn't it pawsome! We sure think so. Mom bean has no idea how to make a banner, but she was able to change the background so it looked a little more festive too.
Thank you Jan, and all our furriends at Jans Funny Farm! You have made our Sunday extra special.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Quiet, easy Sunday
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here tonight.
It's been a pretty quiet day around here. The sticky bean went somewhere* this afternoon and mom bean says he won't be back until tomorrow evening.
I got in a good winter's nap while the mom bean did this. Yep, I slept through all that noise and confusion. Poor old woman, trying to get the lights and all the ornaments on the tree in some semblance of order is getting to be beyond her.
I'm not sure how long it will stay decorated either. Between the sticky bean and the curious kitten, Sheldon, I'm betting she'll be doing more grumbling while she picks stuff up and tries to remember where is belongs on the tree. Good times ahead for us kitties!
But I can assure you I won't be chasing any of those balls. This is my favorite toy and I've had it since I was a kitten. Mom bean says that means the toy is nearly 17 1/2 years old, since that's how old I am.
I don't chase it nearly as often as I used to, but I still have fun with it, when I decide it is time to play.
Well, I'll sign off for tonight - it's getting late and I'm ready for another nap.
Have a great week efurrybody!
It's been a pretty quiet day around here. The sticky bean went somewhere* this afternoon and mom bean says he won't be back until tomorrow evening.
I'm not sure how long it will stay decorated either. Between the sticky bean and the curious kitten, Sheldon, I'm betting she'll be doing more grumbling while she picks stuff up and tries to remember where is belongs on the tree. Good times ahead for us kitties!
But I can assure you I won't be chasing any of those balls. This is my favorite toy and I've had it since I was a kitten. Mom bean says that means the toy is nearly 17 1/2 years old, since that's how old I am.
I don't chase it nearly as often as I used to, but I still have fun with it, when I decide it is time to play.
Well, I'll sign off for tonight - it's getting late and I'm ready for another nap.
Have a great week efurrybody!
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Easy on Sunday...temporarily
It's Sasha here today. I'm dreaming of a long nap but I suspect that will be short-lived. The green guys are playing football today. Best get in my rest while I can.
Have an easy Sunday efurrybody!
Monday, November 13, 2017
Hanging with the sticky bean
I've been hanging with the sticky bean this morning watching that pesky brofur Sheldon. I even let the little bean pat me on the head. Mom bean says I'm such a good kitty.
Sheldon, on the other hand ...well, mom bean says I shouldn't be so hard on him 'cuz he is a kitten, but boy it's hard sometimes.
He's always hogging the toys, (not that I really want to play with them), and trying to eat my fuds and...well you get the picture. Though I has to give it to him, he's a great wrestling buddy. Mom bean says she just wishes we wouldn't do it in the middle of the night. That's the best time! No sticky bean to get in our way. :)
Have a great week efurrybody!
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Here it comes
Hi efurrybody, Sheldon here.
Mom bean says the white stuff out there is called snow. I haven't tried to go outside but it kind of looks like fun, don't you think?
Saku: That kid doesn't know what he's talking about. That white stuff comes with the colds.
I'm just going to hang out here, 'cuz it's warm. Plus that sticky bean has turned over my box. If he can do that to my stuff I can use his!
Sheldon: Maybe Saku is right...he is older than me.
A nap with Sasha sounds like a good way to spend the morning anyway.
Have a good day efurrybody!
Mom bean says the white stuff out there is called snow. I haven't tried to go outside but it kind of looks like fun, don't you think?
Saku: That kid doesn't know what he's talking about. That white stuff comes with the colds.
I'm just going to hang out here, 'cuz it's warm. Plus that sticky bean has turned over my box. If he can do that to my stuff I can use his!
Sheldon: Maybe Saku is right...he is older than me.
A nap with Sasha sounds like a good way to spend the morning anyway.
Have a good day efurrybody!
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Comfy Caturday
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here today.
Things are going pretty good with this new fursib Sheldon. Especially since he had his tutoring. Those beans must have taught him some manners.
Mom bean says he has a little bit of each of us.
He sure likes to hang out on the mom bean's chair with me, just like Angel Sami did.
Of course, he needs some bathing too.
He's kind of okay, except when he starts pestering me and biting me and taking my fuds. But it is kind of nice to have a napping buddy again.
Have a comfy Catuday efurrybody!
Things are going pretty good with this new fursib Sheldon. Especially since he had his tutoring. Those beans must have taught him some manners.
Mom bean says he has a little bit of each of us.
He sure likes to hang out on the mom bean's chair with me, just like Angel Sami did.
Of course, he needs some bathing too.
He's kind of okay, except when he starts pestering me and biting me and taking my fuds. But it is kind of nice to have a napping buddy again.
Have a comfy Catuday efurrybody!
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Home again, home again, jiggety jig
Hi efurrybody! I'm home and doing just fine after my visit to the stabby place.
It started off kinda awful 'cuz the mom bean wouldn't give me any fuds. Sasha and Saku were kind of mad at her too 'cuz they didn't get any either. AND then the mom bean tried to grab me and put me in this box....but I runned away. She chased me but I only wanted to go to the potty before we left!
The ride in the masheen was okay but I got a little scared when we got to the v e t office. There sure are a lot of strange smells! Mom bean left me with a furry nice lady who petted me and called me handsome. At least I think that's what happened 'cuz they told mom bean I was pretty pawsome.
To be honest, it's all a little hazy after that. I had a pedicure, got a tattoo and a chip and then I went to sleep for awhile. When I woke up I hung out until the mom bean came and picked me up. I was happy to see her and I was good on the ride home.
Saku was not furry happy to see me. :( He hissed and growled lots and mom bean sprayed him with the water bottle. Usually she uses that on me so I thought it was pretty funny. She did holler at me 'cuz I was running and jumping and someone told her I shouldn't.
I feel fine! I been drinking and eating and sleeping and pooping and playing and pestering my brofurs. Last night, this happened, Saku came and slept on the couch with me and I touched him. Mom bean was soooo excited. I think we're gonna be furriends after all.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Monday, October 9, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We have lots to be thankful for today, especially our furever home with the mom bean. She makes sure we has good food, lots of toys, and great places to sleep in a warm and cozy house. Which is a good thing, 'cuz it's getting pretty cool outside.
We hope efurry kitty (and woofie) too gets to be as lucky as we are.
Best of all though, is all the wonderful furriends we have. You are pawsome!!
Happy Thanksgiving efurrybody!
Friday, October 6, 2017
On a more pawsitive note

I'm having so much fun with my brofurs, the fuds are nummy, and the mom bean says I has enuf energy to power the whole city.
There is lots of toys to play with and this mousey is my favorite. No actually it's the string that comes with the mousey efurrywhere. Or wait a minute maybe it is the mousey. I can't decide!
I lub to wrestle with my brofur Saku. He might be bigger than me, but I'm mightier....sometimes.
My other brofur Sasha still doesn't like me much. But if I am furry, furry quiet sometimes he even lets me snuggle up and sleep with him.
Mom bean says I don't know a good thing when I see it, cuz I almost always wake up and put the bitey on Sasha. He doesn't like that at all!
I likes hanging out with the mom bean too. I watch over her shoulder when she plays on the tippy tap masheen. Sometimes I even help her. :)
And sometimes I put the bitey on her too. She says her arms look like pincushions....whatever those are.
Mom bean says this is her favorite photo of me so far. I was so fast asleep I didn't even hear the flashy box. She says I have two speeds, go and stop.
Mom bean also says to tell you I'm going to get tutored later this week at the stabby place. It doesn't sound like much fun to me, so if you can spare some purrs we'd all appawciate it.
Time for a nap in the sunny room! Have a great weekend efurrybody.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Farewell Cuzin Puddy
Mom bean told us yesterday that our cuzin Puddy ran to the Bridge that morning. We is sad, as Puddy was the mom cat to our Silas and Shady, and she always came for a cuddle with the mom bean when she visited the farm.
Here is the message she received:
Here is the message she received:
The only other news I have is sad but at the same time, had to happen. Puddy, who has lived at our place longer than we have (so I guess that makes it her place), had to be put down this morning. We assume she was almost 17 years old but the vet thought she was 18 plus. We think she may have had a stroke but as of two days ago, she quit eating and could barely walk. We were still able to get water into her but she couldn’t chew or swallow food so was facing a slow starvation, thus we took her in this morning. She is now buried in the flower garden between Luna and Anna.*
Puddy was an amazing cat. She was a great hunter and this spring, was still bringing us mice and birds and the odd chipmunk. In her prime, she used to go out into the pasture and bring back gophers. In our first year living in her place, we had a Japanese guest who I took for a mile long hike through the hills under a full moon. Puddy decided that was fun and came the whole way with us. She was once grabbed by a Great Horned Owl but survived that with three small puncture wounds. Not sure how the owl fared but I’m thinking he took a beating. Puddy didn’t back down to anything and put the run on many a dog. When we first moved out to her farm, P and I went out in the dark on the front lawn, plunked down a couple of chairs and were sitting watching the stars when Puddy jumped up into my lap. I guess she decided I was ok and I became her person from then on. I will miss her and how she would lie along my forearm with her claws wrapped around the ends of my fingers, being carried around like royalty. She was a pretty amazing arm cat who will be on her farm from now to eternity.
*Luna and Anna were the woofies who lived on the farm with Puddy and her daughters, P.J. (Puddy Junior) and Hollywood.
Run free Puddy and say hello to Sami for us.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Sami, forever loved, always remembered
It is mom bean here again. I've taken over the blog to share some of my favorite memories and stories of my beautiful girl Sami. I'm sure Sasha, Saku and Sheldon will forgive me.....so long as I remember to feed them.
Sami came to us in August 2002 from the Regina Humane Society. We had two cats at the time, Sasha and Silver, and my children convinced me we needed a third. (Don't ask me how....they just did). When we went to the shelter I was adamant, we were going to get an older cat because kittens get adopted more quickly. Ha!
We'll just take a peek into the kitten room they said. We walked in and this little sprite of a kitten (about 6-7 weeks old according to the card) made it very clear she wanted our attention. She jumped up and down, climbed the bars of the cage, and chirped eagerly. We laughed because she reminded us of the Baby Sinclair of the Dinosaurs (a television program the kids loved), "I'm the baby, gotta love me".
So we did. And from that moment on this little girl had hold of my heart. We brought her home to meet her older fur-sibs. Sasha was tolerant (as he is with all kittens) and Silver hated her. But they came to have an understanding. As long as Sami was on the other side of Sasha, all was well. Once Silver ran to the bridge Sami was happy to have Sasha to herself, and he was always her favorite...though the feeling wasn't always mutual.
Later when Shady and Silas came home, Sami became their mother. She bathed and disciplined them even when they quickly out-sized her.
Silas is the big orange tabby, his sister Shady is behind him, with wee Sami to their left.
Sami was always a little cat, she'd been found eating garbage in a bin (I assume someone tossed her) and I think that may have stunted her growth. As the years passed, she became more rotund. I always laughed and said it was pretty obvious she was my cat, short and round just like me.
Silas is the big orange tabby, his sister Shady is behind him, with wee Sami to their left.
Sami was always a little cat, she'd been found eating garbage in a bin (I assume someone tossed her) and I think that may have stunted her growth. As the years passed, she became more rotund. I always laughed and said it was pretty obvious she was my cat, short and round just like me.
She was our Walmart greeter. There wasn't a person who came into the house that Sami didn't like. However, when it came to the cats, she definitely ruled the roost. Both Saku, and now Sheldon met the wrath of the paw of Sami and both learned to give her a wide berth.
Sami was my cat or rather I was her bean. Early mornings would find her perched on my shoulder (I sleep on my side), waiting and watching for any signs of wakefulness. If that didn't work, she'd reach out a paw and touch my face gently. AND if that didn't work, a claw would be extended to touch my face. I learned to wake up before the claw was extended too far.
Sami never met a box she didn't like. No matter the size she found her way in. Her favorite box came into the house two years ago at Christmas, it sat beside the television stand with a towel in it (which I did switch and wash every so often). That box is now in the garage as I cannot bear to look at it empty in the place it once
She also loved her toys, not to play with but to bring to me. I'd hear her peeping her way down the hallway with her kitten, a Easter chick, or a mouse in her mouth. Sami would drop the toy at my feet and you could see the pride on her face when I praised her for bringing the toy.
Her favorite watering hole was the toilet bowl. She'd probably hate me for sharing this photo, but it makes me laugh.
Sami could make me laugh, she could make me smile, and she was the first to comfort me if I was sad. I think sometimes she was more in tune with my emotions than I am.
I miss her more than words can say. I reach for where she slept on the bed in the middle of the night and she's not there. I see one of her toys and I'm reminded I'll never hear that little chirp and trill again. I see the fourth bowl that I no longer need to fill with food and tears fill my eyes.
Then I look at some of my favorite photos and I smile through my tears.
I am so blessed to have had fifteen years with this beautiful girl. What I wouldn't give for just one more day. In time I hope we are reunited. In the meantime, I'm sure she, Silas and Shady are getting caught up...while Silver is reminding her to keep her distance.
Thank you to everyone who has left a comment in the past few days. I take comfort knowing you understand our loss and have taken time to leave your kind words and purrs.
Sami never met a box she didn't like. No matter the size she found her way in. Her favorite box came into the house two years ago at Christmas, it sat beside the television stand with a towel in it (which I did switch and wash every so often). That box is now in the garage as I cannot bear to look at it empty in the place it once
She also loved her toys, not to play with but to bring to me. I'd hear her peeping her way down the hallway with her kitten, a Easter chick, or a mouse in her mouth. Sami would drop the toy at my feet and you could see the pride on her face when I praised her for bringing the toy.
Her favorite watering hole was the toilet bowl. She'd probably hate me for sharing this photo, but it makes me laugh.
Sami could make me laugh, she could make me smile, and she was the first to comfort me if I was sad. I think sometimes she was more in tune with my emotions than I am.
I miss her more than words can say. I reach for where she slept on the bed in the middle of the night and she's not there. I see one of her toys and I'm reminded I'll never hear that little chirp and trill again. I see the fourth bowl that I no longer need to fill with food and tears fill my eyes.
Then I look at some of my favorite photos and I smile through my tears.
I am so blessed to have had fifteen years with this beautiful girl. What I wouldn't give for just one more day. In time I hope we are reunited. In the meantime, I'm sure she, Silas and Shady are getting caught up...while Silver is reminding her to keep her distance.
Thank you to everyone who has left a comment in the past few days. I take comfort knowing you understand our loss and have taken time to leave your kind words and purrs.
Angel Sami,
cat in water,
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Purrs Please
Any and all purrs and pawsitive thoughts would be appreciated today.
Mom bean here. Sami hasn't been feeling well for a couple of weeks. I found a couple of her teeth in my bed one morning and since then she starting eating less. The last few days have been troubling as her appetite has decreased further, her right eye waters, she's frequently sneezing and one side of her mouth appears to be swollen.
Today, she's hasn't eaten at all and until a couple of minutes ago, hadn't had anything to drink. She's been sleeping most of the morning.
We have an appointment at the vet in about an hour. I'm praying that whatever is going on, can be readily fixed but am mentally preparing myself for the worst.
She's on my lap at the moment, as if she knows she's the focus of this post. I'll be giving her lots of love before we head out in the car. I'll post an update later today or tomorrow.
Unfortunately my worst fears were realized. Upon examination, the vet found a large invasive tumour that nearly filled Sami's mouth cavity. We discussed potential surgeries and palliative care (which would have required pilling), but ultimately I decided I could not put Sami through more suffering and pain.
With a heavy heart, and many tears I said good-bye to my sweet girl. She went quietly and peacefully; I truly believe she knew it was her time. Sami has joined her fursibs Silver, Shady, and Silas at the Rainbow Bridge. I am grateful that she is no longer in pain, and I know the pain I feel today will be tempered in time.
Sami, you are and always will be part of my heart.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Thankful Thursday
Hi efurrybody, it's Sheldon here.
I'm furry thankful to say that I get to stay out with the other kitties all the time now. Well, except at dark o'clock but that's because I won't stop running around and putting the bitey on the other kitties and the mom bean too (or is that g'ma bean?). Anyway she says I have to stay in another room until I learn to settle down.
So you know what I did? This morning when I woke her up at 5 a.m. with my crying, and she brought me in her room I curled up on her chest and then I.......
farted! MOL Now she says my name should be Stinky, not Sheldon.
Oh and another kitty has something to be thankful for today. The other day, mom bean found a kitty in the back yard.* Nope she didn't bring him inside. He had goopy eyes, was furry skinny and had matted furs. He was sitting in the bird bath getting a drink of water. She was surprised when he let her come near and even pick him up.
She came back in the house and got the kitty carrier, intending to catch him and call the humane society. She said it was pretty clear he'd been outside for quite a while. Well, when she brought him out to the front yard, she left him in the carrier on the sidewalk while she ran in for the phone. Some neighbourhood kids were riding by and they saw the carrier. One little girl said, "hey that looks like Sammy".
She told the mom bean he belonged to one of the neighbours, dropped her bike and ran down the street. Within minutes the neighbours were at the house and Sammy's mom bean was crying. She told our mom bean he'd been lost for so long they thought he was dead. He'd been sick and they thought he'd wandered off to die.
But he didn't and now he's back at home again with his mom and dad bean. That makes us all furry happy. We sure hope they don't let him outside again, 'cuz he might just get lost again.
*Normally I water early or late in the day. For some reason that day I went out mid-afternoon. It's hard to say, but I suspect I wouldn't have found Sammy otherwise as I hadn't seen him previously this summer. Like the kitties, I sure hope his family keeps him safely inside for the rest of his natural life.
I'm furry thankful to say that I get to stay out with the other kitties all the time now. Well, except at dark o'clock but that's because I won't stop running around and putting the bitey on the other kitties and the mom bean too (or is that g'ma bean?). Anyway she says I have to stay in another room until I learn to settle down.
So you know what I did? This morning when I woke her up at 5 a.m. with my crying, and she brought me in her room I curled up on her chest and then I.......
farted! MOL Now she says my name should be Stinky, not Sheldon.
Oh and another kitty has something to be thankful for today. The other day, mom bean found a kitty in the back yard.* Nope she didn't bring him inside. He had goopy eyes, was furry skinny and had matted furs. He was sitting in the bird bath getting a drink of water. She was surprised when he let her come near and even pick him up.
She came back in the house and got the kitty carrier, intending to catch him and call the humane society. She said it was pretty clear he'd been outside for quite a while. Well, when she brought him out to the front yard, she left him in the carrier on the sidewalk while she ran in for the phone. Some neighbourhood kids were riding by and they saw the carrier. One little girl said, "hey that looks like Sammy".
She told the mom bean he belonged to one of the neighbours, dropped her bike and ran down the street. Within minutes the neighbours were at the house and Sammy's mom bean was crying. She told our mom bean he'd been lost for so long they thought he was dead. He'd been sick and they thought he'd wandered off to die.
But he didn't and now he's back at home again with his mom and dad bean. That makes us all furry happy. We sure hope they don't let him outside again, 'cuz he might just get lost again.
*Normally I water early or late in the day. For some reason that day I went out mid-afternoon. It's hard to say, but I suspect I wouldn't have found Sammy otherwise as I hadn't seen him previously this summer. Like the kitties, I sure hope his family keeps him safely inside for the rest of his natural life.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
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