Friday, December 25, 2020
Merry Christmouse!
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Model Cat
The mom bean has been doing some more yarn stuff for the sticky bean.
She needed a handsome model for a photo shoot. Of course I was a willing participant....not.
But the color does look good with my eyes, don'tcha think?
Have a great day efurrybody!
Monday, November 16, 2020
Happy Cat
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
The mom bean is starting to decorate the house with breakables Christmas ornyments. She says I have to stay down - like I can jump that high anymore. But she did give me a piece of tissue paper!
Paper is great cuz it crinkles and when I tear off pieces, mom bean has to clean it up.
Yep, I'm a happy cat today! Have a good one efurrybody.
Friday, October 23, 2020
My turn in the sunshine
Hi efurrybody, it's Sasha here today.
I told the mom bean it was way past time that she help me post. Our furriends might think I'd run to the Bridge or something. Nope, I'm right here, laying in the morning sunshine. It's one of my favorite places especially now that it's gotten too cold to use our sunny room much. Mom bean says that we'll probably be able to use it next week.Time to get back to my nap, this time on the couch. Dinner was served there, and I'm feeling ready for a post meal snooze.
Take care efurrybody!
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Survivor, sticky bean style
Hi efurrybody, Saku here. You'll be happy to know that we survived another visit from the sticky bean. Sasha spent most of his time on the couch and suffered a number of intrusions, mostly gentle.
Me, I stayed out in the sunny room until the mom bean made me come indoors. The rest of the time, I hid out under her chair (and mine). From that place I was able to teach that sticky bean a lesson or two.
He likes to watch Y-tube videos on the mom bean's puter and sits on her lap or in the chair. Sometimes when he was hopping up or down I'd take a swipe at those feet just to give him a good scare.*
I wonder why he calls me the mean kitty? MOL!
*no three year olds were harmed in the making of this post.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Catching up with Stanley and Sheldon
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Baby, it's hot out there!
Sasha and I love our sunny room, but the mom bean says it is too hot out there sometimes. So look what she went and did.
She put up new cloths on the windows to keep the sun out! Let me tell you, we wasn't furry happy with this. Too bad Sheldon isn't around, he'd climb these things and put some extra holes in them.
But you know, it's not all bad. She does open some of these some times so we do get some sun shine. One of the cloths is in front of my cat tree and she always opens that one in the morning so I can watch for the burds in the trees.
And even though there is no sun puddles to sleep in, my new bed is furry comfy!
I guess I'll forgive her.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
It's all good

She brought home a brand new rug for us!!! Well me, mostly 'cuz I like to lie in front of the sunny room door.
It's the place to be in case she opens the door and then I can get to the out!
Mom bean says she might even get me a harness and a leash so I can stay out with her. This is how I feel about that!
I like it best when she lets me outside before she cuts off the grass. Sometimes I eat some, sometimes I chase the bugs, and sometimes
Have a great day efurrybody!
Saturday, July 4, 2020
Happy Caturday!
Yes, she did! She took all of the soft towels and cushions off all of the chairs and took them away. I (Sasha) was forced to nap in one of the cat beds. For shame!
She even turned some of the furniture on its side. About the only good thing she did was to put the table in front of the window. I (Saku) found it a great spot to get some window whiffies.
Even Sasha's favorite chair got the same treatment.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Waiting for my dinner
Monday, June 15, 2020
Getting along!

Thursday, June 4, 2020
The great outdoors!
We've had glorious weather this past week (at least mom bean says it has been). All I know is I got to go outside!
This was before the mom bean cut the grass so there was lots of stuff to chew on. She never lets me out on my own, and she doesn't let me stay long but I sure love getting out to roll around and smell the different smells. But the darn mom bean says Sasha gets a turn too!
And look who else came for a visit. This was in the evening when the mom bean was out burning stuff on the grill. Hey, he better not be chewing on my grass!
Have a great day efurrybody!
Monday, May 25, 2020
Happy Birthday Sasha!
Another photo from December 2013. Sasha is the only kitty who didn't mind the Santa hat, and he never efur tried to take an ornament off the tree.
Sasha also loves to be able to get outside in the summer time, and he especially likes to eat grass. One year the mom bean even grew grass in the house.
These days Sasha spends a fair amount of time sleeping. He's gotten skinny though he hollers like crazy when he wants to be fed. He's become a fan of the new water fountain - before he would only drink out of bowl in the sink. Mom bean thinks he's deaf, but his eyesight seems to be good. His favorite person is still the bean brofur with mom bean coming in second. Sasha doesn't much care for the sticky bean, but like the kittens before him, the sticky bean loves Sasha.
We hope you've enjoyed the trip down memory lane with Sasha. There won't be any big pawty, Sasha would probably sleep right through it! But we appawciate our furriends who we know will drop by to wish our special boy a happy day.
Mom bean says every day with Sasha is a blessing. He's simply a sweet boy, and while she would prefer if he didn't wake her before 6 a.m. (and he does frequently), she's grateful he's been part of our lives for nearly 20 years. Happy Birthday Sasha!
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
A visit with Sheldon
The old mom bean came to visit me the other day! I'm sure she'd say she came to see the sticky bean but we all know she really wanted to visit with me.
I'm not a big fan of that sticky bean. Sometimes he tries to pick me up or pull my tail. Stanley lets him do that but I sure don't!
So when he finally went out to the front porch I seized my chance and had a cuddle with her. It may not look like it but I was purring in this picture. It didn't last long though 'cuz that sticky bean loves his grandma.
Have a good day efurrybody!
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Keeping an eye on things

I do this efurry morning. I wake the mom bean up at dark o'clock so she can get us our breakfast. Did you know I eat my breakfast on her bed? Yep, I do because Saku is a piggy and if we didn't stay separated I'd never get to eat it.

I'm keeping my eye on things from right here (sorry about the finger, she was trying to pet me at the same time!)
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Cozy kitty

Our mom bean has been busy lately but I've been able to pin her down for some cuddles while she has her morning coffee.
I know she really likes it, even though I sometimes use my claws to let her know she's slacking off on the petting. Hey, sometimes she needs a reminder!

When I'm not cuddling with mom, or napping on the bed, and if the sun is out, the mom bean is opening up the sunny room for us.
Appawently it wasn't quite warm enough for me the other day. I'm snuggled under the towel. I don't know why the mom bean laffed at me - I think I was being furry smart.
It's a cool day here today with no sun so I guess mom's lap will be the place to be. Have a great day efurrybody!
A message from the mom bean - to all the kitty and woofie pawrents out there - take care and stay well!
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Another visitor
The mom bean has been putting out seeds on the top of the bird feeder so more birds can eat.
Squirrel spotted her through the window!
He took a last few nibbles and then....
Away he went! Goodbye squirrel!! See you tomorrow.
Happy Caturday efurrybody!
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
A visit from the other S kitties!
Yep, I'm sitting on the table. Sometimes I try to get away from the sticky bean...though he's a darn good climber!
Here's Sheldon too...I think he heard the sticky bean coming. MOL!
I heard the birdies talking outside the window so I got up on the cupboard to see what they were doing.
One more photo of Sheldon too. He likes the sticky bean's new bed. I think it's cuz the sticky bean would rather sleep with his mom, so Sheldon gets it to himself...unless the G'ma bean is sleeping in it. Then he shares.
Have a great day efurrybody!