Hi efurrybody, we wants to introduce you to Bruce Almighty. He needs lots of purrs; some bean was furry mean to him.
This is the article from the Regina Humane Society Facebook page:
The Regina Humane Society’s Cruelty Investigations Department is seeking the public’s help with a case involving a stray cat found in the northwest area of Regina. The young cat, estimated to be between two and three years old, was found with electrical tape tightly bound around his legs and paws. The tape, which had severely restricted circulation over time, had caused massive tissue loss and infection in the extremities. The cat, who had no identification, collapsed into the arms of officers late Wednesday evening and purred as they began the delicate process of removing the bands which had destroyed his limbs.
“Bruce Almighty” named for his fierce determination and will to live, underwent hours of emergency surgery as RHS veterinarians attempted to save his legs. While the Society is hopeful that enough healthy tissue remains to keep his legs and the infection can be treated, his status remains very guarded.
“The pain and suffering he has endured is unimaginable” said senior RHS Animal Protection Officer B. Lerat. “He is fortunate that a caring member of the public alerted us to his whereabouts. The public really is our eyes and ears when it comes to reporting cases of neglect and abuse involving animals.”
It is so hard to believe that a bean could do something so horrible to a helpless kitty. It makes our mom bean cry and we feel furry sad. This reminds us how impawtent it is to keep us kitties indoors and safe from predators.
We is purring furry hard that Bruce Almighty will not lose any of his limbs. We wish the bean or beans who did this will be found, but we knows that will not change anything for this kitty, but may save the life of another.
Stay safe furriends!