Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's a pawty!

Hi efurrybody!

We hopes you can stop by and share in our blogaversary pawty!  The mom bean has gone to her day hunting gig, and then out for the evening....so we's got the whole place to ourselves, MOL.

Oops...no we don't 'cuz the bean brofur and bean sisfur are here BUT they makes lots of noise and mess so Mom will never know!

 We gots all sorts of nummy things to eat, like roast beef, sardines, roast chicken and shrimp too!

And for those who don't like the burds, we gots stinky goodness!

We'll find you something to drink, make sure that mom leaves the tap on in the bathroom....
and for those who want a something a little more celebratory we'll have niptinis!

You'll find we have lots of toys to play with and when we're done lots of great places to curl up and have a nap!

We hopes you'll spend a little time with us on our first blogaversary,  Happy New Year efurryone!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Exciting times

Hi efurrybody, Sasha, Sami, and Saku here today!

The mom bean's brain was a bit addled by the hollydays so she posted our Mancat Monday on Saturday.  What a silly bean!

But we have something special today. Our furriend Carlos from the Daily Cat gave us an award!!!

How pawsome is that?  We lubs that there is sunshine in this award 'cuz we don't have the sunshine here today.

As part of the award we has to do some things.
First elebenty facts about ourselves:
1.  Sasha is the oldest (13), Sami is the middle child (12) and Saku is the baby (5 going on 6).
2. We all have our favorite beans Sasha (bean brofur C), Sami (Mom) and Saku (bean sisfur D)
3. Mom gives us stinky goodness efurry night. If she's not home we tell our bean brofur or bean sisfur to give it to us, MOL
4. Sasha won't drink out of our fountain.  He only likes to drink from the bowl mom keeps in her bathroom sink.
5. Sami likes to bring toys to mom.  Mom knows she is coming 'cuz Sami calls to her, but the silly bean has yet to get a picture, MOL
6. Saku is a pest.  "AM NOT!"
7. Sasha and Saku sometimes climb up on the top of the kitchen cupboards. Sami is too fat chubby to get up there.  "WHATEVER!"
8. Mom says we can tell time 'cuz we wake her up before the alarm clock.
9. We has a pawsome room on our house called the sunny room.  When it is sunny (and above freezing) outside we gets to go out there.
10. Phew...elebenty is a lot of facts.
11. Oh yeah, one more.  We used to share mom's blog with her but we all talked to her and she finally agreed to give us our own blog.  Our first post was almost a year ago. So our blogaverary is coming soon.  Maybe we can talk her into a pawty!

Now we has to answer elebenty questions.
1. Have you ever owned a Ragdoll cat?  No, but we has a stuffed dog that Sasha lubs to fight with.
2. If you could have one wish (and it actually came true) what would it be?  Ooooh that's an easy one to answer...stinky goodness all the time!
3. If you ever won a $1000, what would you do with it.  Buy some stinky goodness for us and give some of it to our Humane Society so other kitties will have stinky goodness too.
4. What is your favorite state in North America?  Well, we's never been anywhere but here so we'll say our province Saskatchewan.
5. Would you ever be interested in breeding any animals?  No, 'cuz we've all been spayed or neutered, MOL
6. What's your favorite movie?  We don't know about movies, but we lubs watching the bunny run around in our yard on our cat television.
7. Where are you from?  Mom gotted Sasha and Sami adopted from a pet store.  Saku camed from far away but he doesn't remember where.
8. What's your favorite color? The color of stinky goodness of course.
9. What's your favorite animal?  Nip mouses.
10. For how long have you been blogging?  Our furst blogaversary will be tomorrow!
11. Do you like cats more than dogs?  Absolutely, though we isn't real happy if strange kitties come to our house.

Now we is supposed to present this award to elebenty bloggers who deserve some recognition and a little bloggin' love.  That's really hard 'cuz even though we follows lots of blogs we can't choose! So if you hasn't got this award already, please consider it yours.

The last thing we is supposed to do is ask you elebenty questions.  But the mom bean is getting restless needs to get our dinner ready so we'll let you answer the same ones we did.

Thanks Carlos for the award!  Have a great day efurrybody!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Fool me once

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

The mom tried to get the sheets off the bed again today.

I wasn't having any part of that!  Where is I supposed to cozy up for my easy on Sunday nap?
Hmmm.....is that my favorite toy?

It is, it's the fevver mouse that Santy Claws broughted me and I lub it!  

I guess she fooled me.  Oh well, there is still pad to sleep on, and my favorite toy to cuddle up with.

Have an easy Sunday efurrybody!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Mancats Monday on Caturday*

Hi efurrybody, Sasha & Saku here!
Hey mom, what is this...the kitties can't see our faces.  You really needs to learn to use that flashy box much better!

That's better, now you can see our handsome mancat faces.

We is enjoying the sunny shines on mom's (unmade) bed.  She says she wants to wash the sheets...too bad, so sad...'cuz we is ready for our naps, MOL
We'll have to get our suns where we can 'cuz it has got cold outside again.  So no sunny room for us for awhile.

Have a warm, sunny, nap filled Mancat Monday Caturday efurrybody!

*Somehow the mom bean got it in her tiny brain that is was Monday....you has to work on Monday mom..silly bean!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

No Boxes Day

Hi efurrybody, Sasha here.

There was lots of paper but no kitty sized boxes yesterday.  BUT, the sun came out and the colds went away for a little bit so...

the mom bean letted us go out to the sunny room!  It's was a little chilly out there, but not way cold like it was a week ago.

Saku found a place in the sun with HIS\new wand toy.  It was supposed to be for all of us, but he took it and won't share.  He even growls at us!

That's okay 'cuz the mom bean gotted us some other toys too.  We had a very Merry Catmouse!  How about you?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tabby Tuesday

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday full of family, friends, fun and laughter*.  

Merry Chrissymouse efurrybody!

*You can laugh at mom...she forgotted to cut of the plastic tag on our hat.  Silly bean!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi efurrbody, Sasha here.

Mom went shopping yesterday and came home with an early Chrissymouse present for us.  Check it out.

It's the Ess...not the box.  The sisfur bean brought the box home the other day.  She took the stuff out of it and gave us the box.  We sure likes Chrissymouse!

Have a great Mancat Monday efurrybody!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Can't prove a thing

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

The mom bean has been lazy about blogging for us again - she says it is 'cuz she is busy with Chrissymouse. What is she saying?  There are no  mouses here!  And I can prove it...

Do you see any live mouses here?

How about in the close up?  Didn't think so, MOL

When the mom bean saw this, she was all "who did this?"  Sami and Sasha said, "not us"
Why is she looking at me?  Can't prove a thing, MOL!!!!  Have a great Sunday efurrbody!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Funny

Hi efurrybody,

We's been helping the mom with the Christmas baking.

We don't know why but she says we can't help anymore.

Have a great Friday efurrybody!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

Mom likes to say that alls I ever do is hangout on the back of the couch and sleep.  That is so wrong...and I has the proof.

See - sometimes I gives my brofur Saku the stinkeye, MOL

Have a great tabby Tuesday effurybody!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

Last night I was sitting on the ESS when mom asked...who wants some nip?

I do, I do...pick me!!!

That's some good nip we's got! MOL

Hope you had a great Mancat Monday, efurrybody!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Get right on that, will you?

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

There's not much to see on cat television today. It's all white and black and grey and boring.

Hey mom, when you is out there pushing that white stuff around, would ya sweep it off the window?  It's blocking my view!

In the meantime I think I'll go have a nap.  Have a warm and comfy Sunday efurrybody!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Catch up Caturday AGAIN!

Hi efurrybody Sami here!
Me and Sasha has been waiting for mom to catch us up on efurrybody's blog furever!  It's been so long we decided to take a nap.

Mom promises she'll let us visit all of our furriends today.  As soon as we wake up, MOL

See you all soon!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi everybody, it's the Mom again.  One last post and I'll be home and the cats can have their blog back!

Today I thought I'd share a photo of two cats who so obviously love each other.  (At least Sami loves her brother Sasha...he generally tolerates her).  But with the miserable cold weather we've been having (at least -20C if not colder) I suspect they are both thankful to have a friend to curl up with.

Have a wonderful Thankful Thursday everyone!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuxie Tuesday

Hi everybody, it's the Mom here!

I know Saku was whining concerned yesterday that I've left them behind again.  The poor baby!  He's in good hands with my son C (the cat whisperer) and my daughter D (his original mom).  He may have to wait a little bit for a meal to appear but I'm sure he'll be as heavy healthy as he was when I left when I arrive home on Friday.

In the meantime I took a few pictures of the cat to bring with me, in order to share with you, his friends.  (I like to look at them too...I miss the silly critters when I'm away)

For your viewing pleasure...
I heard noises in my bedroom and came through the doorway in time to see Saku beating up on a drycleaner's bag (it had paper inside and made a satisfying noise).
He began scooching all the side of the bed as if to run away from me.  Silly cat!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Tuxie Tuesday!

Saku's second Mom

Monday, December 9, 2013

Late Mancat Monday

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

She's done it again that silly bean mom....not only is this post so late on a Monday it's Tuesday somewhere BUT she abandoned us again!

She says it is only for a few days away from work.  BUT, we're really starting to wonder 'cuz she was away just a little while ago.  The only good thing is she only tooked the small blue case so maybe she'll be back soon.  We hope. :(

The worst part is she's left the bean brofur and bean sisfur behind to keep us fed and watered. Those two can't be trusted to get up at early O'clock to feed us on time.  AND sometimes they both work late so we has to wait for our stinky goodness.

It's sure tough being a mancat in this house sometimes.  I guess I'll have to hunker down with my sisfur Sami and brofur Saku (not in the picture), try to stay warm and hopefully not starve to death before she gets back.

See you all soon!  Hope you had a good Mancat Monday!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Another Cold Caturday

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
Mom says it is furry cold outside.  She letted us have a whiffy of the air in the sunny room.  It might be sunny but is sure is cold, brrrrr!

Me, Sasha, and Sami are spending our day in cozy spots.  We knows we is furry lucky to be inside today where it is warm and safe and are sending purrs out to the kitties and woofies who aren't as fortunate.

Stay safe and warm our furriends and have a happy Caturday!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday Funny

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

Mom says she is gonna put up the Christmas tree this weekend.  She says we better stay away from it...I don't know why she'd say that!

Oh, now I get it!

Have a great Friday efurrybody!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Hi efurrybody, Sasha here!

Mom says it is furry cold outside, so today I am thankful for a cozy blanket to curl up in to have my afternoon nap.

Have a great day efurrybody!  Stay warm and safe!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Seriously Mom, when are you gonna get off your lazy a$$ and get tippy tapping for us?  I predicts a large wet hairball in your future!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Catch-up Caturday

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

We is getting caughted up on our furriends furry slowly, 'cuz the mom keeps having to go chase green papers.  She says that is what happens when a bean goes on vacation.

And even though she is home today with us, she keeps running around the house doing stuff, like making the bed, washing dishes, taking out the garbage....silly bean things like that!

Saku and Sasha are enjoying the sunshine on the bed.

Me, I'm following mom around and efurrytime she sits down for a second, I make sure she stays there by curling up on her lap and purring.

And when she wanted to take my picture I told her she had to give me scritches.  I is so happy to have mom home again!

Mom says we'll be around later today after she catches up with the housework.  I guess I has to get off her lap....otherwise it will never get done!

Have a great Caturday efurrbody!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mom's home!

Hi effurrybody, Sasha here!

I is cuddled up with mom in her chair under the tippy tap masheen.  Just stopping by to say Mom's home, we're back and we'll be by to say hi over the next few days.

In the meantime, look what mom found in Ja-May-Ka  (No she did not bring him home, thank Cod!)

See you all furry soon.