Sunday, December 15, 2013

Get right on that, will you?

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

There's not much to see on cat television today. It's all white and black and grey and boring.

Hey mom, when you is out there pushing that white stuff around, would ya sweep it off the window?  It's blocking my view!

In the meantime I think I'll go have a nap.  Have a warm and comfy Sunday efurrybody!


  1. Napping is the only thing to do in this kind of crummy weather! Enjoy your Sunday!

  2. This made my mummy laff. Now *I* think you are right on target with your request.

  3. Saku you are so cute and as soon as Mom remove some of that snow you might spot a bird or two! Stay warm and toasty!! Purrs...

  4. Aw, a nice nap until your window is cleared is a good idea. We don't have snow but it's dismal, cold and wet here.

  5. We think your Cat TV looks pretty interesting, We never see snow here. Or frankly, rain either. We have clear day after clear day after clear day. It's actually getting to be kind of creepy, like some bad sci-fi movie.

  6. Oh yeah, she definitely has to do the window too. Snow-tv is no fun.

  7. There's lots of snow on your TV screen!
    ; )

  8. Uau! Quanta neve! Talvez sua mamãe fique muito tempo lá fora, então você vai ter um longo cochilo.
