Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Funny

Hi efurrybody,

We's been helping the mom with the Christmas baking.

We don't know why but she says we can't help anymore.

Have a great Friday efurrybody!


  1. That made us smile!!

    Julie and Poppy Q

  2. At least one of the two will enjoy the result...

  3. That made me smile too. Maybe I need a bit of the boys' catnip to mellow out.

    Thanks for stopping by the Fuzzy Tales site for Derry.

    Our power's been flickering for a while now, but I so hope we don't lose it. What's the point of having underground cables? LOL.

    I had to venture out for food I can eat that doesn't require electricity--like cookies and scones and chocolate--and it was so bad out there....I'm paranoid because of Ice Storm '98. We were lucky, lost power for only 5 days. Others weren't so fortunate.

    And that crane, on the building site that burned earlier in the week, was coming down today, this AM. They had to, what with the ice build up.

    Hell of a winter and we're only starting, officially, today!

  4. Why would your mom fire you? You obviously know what more about cooking than your mom does. Um, don't tell her we said that, okay. :)

  5. Adding some 'Nip makes *any* recipe more tasty! She should thank you for you assistance....and give you extra cookies of course.

  6. Oh lucky you! I'll have my chance tomorrow when the lady of the house will make some cheesecakes for Christmas! Yesterday I was trying to help out when she was wrapping some presents (I guess she must be an official little helper of Santa or something!) and I thought I was very good with the ribbons. She didn't appreciate it though...
