Hi efurrybody, Sasha here tonight.
It's been a pretty quiet day around here. The sticky bean went somewhere* this afternoon and mom bean says he won't be back until tomorrow evening.
I got in a good winter's nap while the mom bean did this. Yep, I slept through all that noise and confusion. Poor old woman, trying to get the lights and all the ornaments on the tree in some semblance of order is getting to be beyond her.
I'm not sure how long it will stay decorated either. Between the sticky bean and the curious kitten, Sheldon, I'm betting she'll be doing more grumbling while she picks stuff up and tries to remember where is belongs on the tree. Good times ahead for us kitties!
But I can assure you I won't be chasing any of those balls. This is my favorite toy and I've had it since I was a kitten. Mom bean says that means the toy is nearly 17 1/2 years old, since that's how old I am.
I don't chase it nearly as often as I used to, but I still have fun with it, when I decide it is time to play.
Well, I'll sign off for tonight - it's getting late and I'm ready for another nap.
Have a great week efurrybody!
It's Sasha here today. I'm dreaming of a long nap but I suspect that will be short-lived. The green guys are playing football today. Best get in my rest while I can.
Have an easy Sunday efurrybody!
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
I've been hanging with the sticky bean this morning watching that pesky brofur Sheldon. I even let the little bean pat me on the head. Mom bean says I'm such a good kitty.
Sheldon, on the other hand ...well, mom bean says I shouldn't be so hard on him 'cuz he is a kitten, but boy it's hard sometimes.
He's always hogging the toys, (not that I really want to play with them), and trying to eat my fuds and...well you get the picture. Though I has to give it to him, he's a great wrestling buddy. Mom bean says she just wishes we wouldn't do it in the middle of the night. That's the best time! No sticky bean to get in our way. :)
Have a great week efurrybody!
Hi efurrybody, Sheldon here.
Mom bean says the white stuff out there is called snow. I haven't tried to go outside but it kind of looks like fun, don't you think?
Saku: That kid doesn't know what he's talking about. That white stuff comes with the colds.
I'm just going to hang out here, 'cuz it's warm. Plus that sticky bean has turned over my box. If he can do that to my stuff I can use his!
Sheldon: Maybe Saku is right...he is older than me.
A nap with Sasha sounds like a good way to spend the morning anyway.
Have a good day efurrybody!