Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
I look pretty relaxed in this picture don't I? Well, it didn't last!
The mom bean scooped me up and put me in her sleeping room. Sasha and Sami are in there with me too.
She says we have to be in there because there is some work to be finished in the basement.
I checked it out the other day, and I have to agree but seriously furiends, did she have to wake me up from my nap?
Hope you is all having an easy Sunday!
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
There is no more sunny room for us kitties this weekend. Mom bean says it is furry cold outside (-23C). It's a good day to play with our kickaroo and....
A great day to curl up with a furriend for a nap!
Enjoy your easy efurrybody.
Hi efurrybody,
We wants to share the story of a furry lucky kitty Noelle. This sweet little girl was hurt when she crawled under the hood of a vehicle to keep warm. When the car was started her leg was caught.
Noelle was found by a good person who took her to the v e t who fixed her up.
She may have lost her front leg and paw, but she survived. We is sure someone will fall in lub with her soon. Noelle sure deserves a furever home where she'll be safe and warm. (((Purrs)))
We is thankful for the man who found her, the v e t who took care of her and the shelter volunteers who are caring for her now.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Sasha, Sami, & Saku
Hi efurrybody! This 2016 year is sure starting off good for us kitties.
Now you might think this picture was taken this summer, but guess what, it wasn't!
Nope it was taken on Friday when the mom bean opened up the sunny room for us. She says it was 9C (48F) when she first opened the door, but she put the little heater thingy on and it warmed up to 15C (59F) pretty quick. Can you imagine, we're out in the sunny room in January?*
We all found our favorite places to hang out.
Sash lubs the cat bed, especially when it is in a sunpuddle.
Sami lubs the recliner chair. Mom bean thinks it is because it's her, the mom bean's that is, favorite chair too.
Maybe, Sami is just warming up the spot for the mom bean.
And me, Saku, I like to hang out in, on, or sometimes under my tent. It's the best spot in the room to watch what's happening inside and out.
No bunny out there yet, but I be he'll come around soon.
We sure hopes the start of 2016 is going great for all our furriends.
*The sun room is generally closed off from November through February. With El Nino the cats may get to use it every month this year. Is is wrong that I'm liking this global warming? - mom bean
Hi efurrybody! We hope all of our furriends have a healthy, happy and treat-filled 2016.
Thank you for being our furriends, for stopping by to say hello, and for being there for us and our mom bean. You are all so special to us!
Saku, Sami & Sasha