Mom bean has the day off so we is gonna let her sleep in.
Yep, just as soon as she gets up at early o'clock to get our breakfast. And after Saku gets her to turn the tap on for a drink of water.
And maybe we'll ask for an extra pillow or two. But then for sure we'll let her sleep in.
Have a great day efurryone!
Friday, February 27, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Almost wordless Wednesday
Mom, I am ignoring you and the toy you've put on my go away and take the flashy box with you!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Tabby Toesday
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

Mom bean calls this my owl pose. She`s a silly bean...I`m a cat.
I like hanging out on this part of the cat tree becuz I can keep an eye on what's happening inside and outside. Plus the brofurs can't sneak
up on me!

After checking out efurrything, I like to sit and have a bath.
Gotta keep those pretty pink toes clean you know!
Have a great Tabby Toesday efurryone!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Mancat Monday
Guess who?
You gots a 50/50 chance of getting it right.
Of course, it's me, Saku. I'm always ready to help the mom bean make a bed.
You messed up on that hospital corner mom!
Mom bean calls this the spare room. It's fur extra beans to sleep in. Last night the bean sisfur slept here so mom washed the sheets and remade the bed.
She says us kitties aren't supposed to be in the room. Appawently extra beans don'ts like kitty furs.
Good one mom! Efurrybody likes kitty furs. And even if they don'ts I'm still gonna have a nap here.
Have a great mancat Monday efurrybody!
You gots a 50/50 chance of getting it right.
Of course, it's me, Saku. I'm always ready to help the mom bean make a bed.
You messed up on that hospital corner mom!
Mom bean calls this the spare room. It's fur extra beans to sleep in. Last night the bean sisfur slept here so mom washed the sheets and remade the bed.
She says us kitties aren't supposed to be in the room. Appawently extra beans don'ts like kitty furs.
Good one mom! Efurrybody likes kitty furs. And even if they don'ts I'm still gonna have a nap here.
Have a great mancat Monday efurrybody!
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Sunday Selfie - 2 for 1
Hi efurrybody, it's Sami and Sasha here today.
It's a great day for a nap with your best furriend.
We hopes you are having a wonderful Selfie Sunday too!
It's a great day for a nap with your best furriend.
We hopes you are having a wonderful Selfie Sunday too!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Miffed cat Caturday!
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
It's Caturday so you would think it would be all about us kitties. But in this house, the mom bean is too "busy".
She's watching the hurry hard beans, making fuds for her, and paying us no attenshun!
So I is gonna have a nap on her messy bed and ignore her for the rest of the day. That'll teach her!
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!

She's watching the hurry hard beans, making fuds for her, and paying us no attenshun!
So I is gonna have a nap on her messy bed and ignore her for the rest of the day. That'll teach her!
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Friday, February 20, 2015
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Thankful Thursday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
The mom bean and me went thru a whole bunch of pick-sures looking for all of my favorite things. It took a long time 'cuz there were a whole bunch of pick-sures of Sami and Sasha. I don't know why.
I lubs my blanket! It was missing when mom bean was away but she found it and gave it back to me.
I lub my kick-a-roo too. Especially when the mom bean dips it in the nip, MOL!
I lub our ess. It's a great way to get a kitty work out.
Did you know there is a fevver toy unnerneath?

My fevver toy is way better though! I ask mom bean to play efurryday with me.

A sun-puddle is a great place to relax, especially when I'm the mom beans messy bed.

Of course, I lub my noms. Especially the stinky goodness!!
It's lots of fun to climb on top of our cat tree to check out the cat television.
But furriends, do you know what I lub best of all? Finding a cozy place to curl up and take a nap, of course!
I is furry thankful to live here with my mom bean and my fursibs. It's a pretty good furever home. I did good!
Have a great Thankful Thursday efurrybody!
The mom bean and me went thru a whole bunch of pick-sures looking for all of my favorite things. It took a long time 'cuz there were a whole bunch of pick-sures of Sami and Sasha. I don't know why.

I lub my kick-a-roo too. Especially when the mom bean dips it in the nip, MOL!
I lub our ess. It's a great way to get a kitty work out.
Did you know there is a fevver toy unnerneath?

My fevver toy is way better though! I ask mom bean to play efurryday with me.

A sun-puddle is a great place to relax, especially when I'm the mom beans messy bed.

Of course, I lub my noms. Especially the stinky goodness!!
It's lots of fun to climb on top of our cat tree to check out the cat television.
But furriends, do you know what I lub best of all? Finding a cozy place to curl up and take a nap, of course!
I is furry thankful to live here with my mom bean and my fursibs. It's a pretty good furever home. I did good!
Have a great Thankful Thursday efurrybody!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Tabby Tuesday
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
Here I is sitting in, not one, but two boxes!!!
I has my favorite stuffed kitty with me too.

Check out what else is in the big box! There is lots of toys.
Mom bean was using the sucky masheen on the floors so she picked efurrything up and putted it in the big box.
I though it was a good place for a nap!
Have a great Tabby Tuesday efurrybody!

I has my favorite stuffed kitty with me too.

Check out what else is in the big box! There is lots of toys.
Mom bean was using the sucky masheen on the floors so she picked efurrything up and putted it in the big box.
I though it was a good place for a nap!
Have a great Tabby Tuesday efurrybody!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Mancat Monday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
This is my slightly annoyed face*
Not only have I not been feat...feasu...seen onour my blog for days, the last time I was, the mom bean tried to be funny.
Yeah, funny like a $3 bill...whatever that means.
I am also annoyed that she is not staying at home with us all the time. This chasing green papers sure takes up a lot of her time,
Even when she is home she is watching those hurry hard bean on the noisy box! AND when she isn't doing that, she's running around with the sucky masheen, splashing water on the floor, or cleaning our kitty litters. Okay, I'll admit I like the last one.
So far, she hasn't forgot to feed us. Plus she lets me cuddle sometimes when she's watching the noisy box. And she played with my fevver toy with me on the way to the washing masheen.
I guess I'm not annoyed as much as I thought. Have a great Mancat Monday efurrybody!
*Don't let him fool you, that is how he looks most of the time - mom
This is my slightly annoyed face*
Not only have I not been feat...feasu...seen on
Yeah, funny like a $3 bill...whatever that means.
I am also annoyed that she is not staying at home with us all the time. This chasing green papers sure takes up a lot of her time,
Even when she is home she is watching those hurry hard bean on the noisy box! AND when she isn't doing that, she's running around with the sucky masheen, splashing water on the floor, or cleaning our kitty litters. Okay, I'll admit I like the last one.
So far, she hasn't forgot to feed us. Plus she lets me cuddle sometimes when she's watching the noisy box. And she played with my fevver toy with me on the way to the washing masheen.
I guess I'm not annoyed as much as I thought. Have a great Mancat Monday efurrybody!
*Don't let him fool you, that is how he looks most of the time - mom
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Quick Sunday Selfie
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here.
It's that time of the year again. Mom bean is watching the hurry hard* beans so we kitties are pretty much neglected. Good thing the bean brofur is here or we'd probably starve!
As you can probably tell, this as a quick Sunday selfie...I seem to have misplaced an ear. I'm sure I'll find it soon, but in the meantime have a great Sunday efurrybody!
*Canadian womens' curling
It's that time of the year again. Mom bean is watching the hurry hard* beans so we kitties are pretty much neglected. Good thing the bean brofur is here or we'd probably starve!
As you can probably tell, this as a quick Sunday selfie...I seem to have misplaced an ear. I'm sure I'll find it soon, but in the meantime have a great Sunday efurrybody!
*Canadian womens' curling
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentine's Caturday!
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here.
It's Caturday AND Valentine's Day.
That means we kitties get lots of lubbing from the mom bean ('cuz we're her Valentines) and she doesn't ask us to move so she can make her messy bed.
Have a great Caturday efurrbody!
Happy Valentine's Day to all the kitties, woofies, donkeys and beans!!

That means we kitties get lots of lubbing from the mom bean ('cuz we're her Valentines) and she doesn't ask us to move so she can make her messy bed.
Have a great Caturday efurrbody!
Happy Valentine's Day to all the kitties, woofies, donkeys and beans!!
Friday, February 13, 2015
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Tabby Tuesday
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
I was having a nice rest on the kitchen floor after dinner the other night (and looking cute at the same time...if I say so myself).
Do you know what happened then kitties?
That silly mom bean tickled my bellah!
So I did what any tabby would and gave her some good bunny kicks. Serves her right!
Have a great Tabby Tuesday efurrybody!

Do you know what happened then kitties?
That silly mom bean tickled my bellah!
So I did what any tabby would and gave her some good bunny kicks. Serves her right!
Have a great Tabby Tuesday efurrybody!
Monday, February 9, 2015
Late mancat Monday
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here.
Sheesh! The mom bean is back one day chasing green papers and do you think she can find time to tippy tap for us?
Appawently not!
And mom - trying tomake suck up by saying I has the most beeutiful green eyes is not going to help.
You might want to check the floor beside your bed before you get up. MOL
Hope efurrybody had a great Mancat Monday!!

Appawently not!
And mom - trying to
You might want to check the floor beside your bed before you get up. MOL
Hope efurrybody had a great Mancat Monday!!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Getting my easy on Sunday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
I like Sunday 'cuz it's a great day to get my easy on.
I likes the rest of the days too, 'cuz I can get my easy on any day of the week. It's good to be a cat, MOL
The other day I tried furry hard to take a selfie in the sunny room.
Mom bean says it makes me look like I is a kitten again. What do you think?
Have a great easy Sunday efurrybody!
I like Sunday 'cuz it's a great day to get my easy on.
I likes the rest of the days too, 'cuz I can get my easy on any day of the week. It's good to be a cat, MOL
The other day I tried furry hard to take a selfie in the sunny room.
Mom bean says it makes me look like I is a kitten again. What do you think?
Have a great easy Sunday efurrybody!
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Caturday Mystery
Hi efurrybody, today you get to guess who this is?
Well, you can probably guess it isn't Saku 'cuz he's a tuxie.
Here's a close-up...
Well, you can probably guess it isn't Saku 'cuz he's a tuxie.
Here's a close-up...
One more close-up in case you aren't sure...
Yep, it's me Sasha! Do you see where I was? I was in the sunny room. (these were taken a couple of days ago). Mom bean said it was warm enough with the little heater on the sun coming through the windows that we could be out there.*
I lub the sunny room and ask to go out there efurryday. But it is too cold on this Caturday so I'll have a nap on the mom bean's bed instead.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody! We hopes there is sunshine where you are.
*It warmed up to +10C (50F) in the sunroom. That is quite pleasant for this time of year.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Thankful Thursday
Hi efurrybody, we're all here today. We wants to tell you we is thankful for Stinky goodness!!!
We gets it at dinner time efurryday!
We gets kibble in our bowls the rest of the day.
Saku: After a good dinner it's great idea to stretch it out.
I also make sure I got efurrybit!
Sasha: After a meal I always head to the mom bean's on sweet for a drink of water. *
Sami: munch, munch, chew. I don't want to leave even a crumb in the bowl.

Sami: Yummm...that was good stuff!!!
Saku: Hey Sami, you left a crumb or two and it's mine!
Hope you all have a great Thankful Thursday with stinky goodness for dinner!
*Yes, there is a fountain right there beside the food bowls, and no Sasha does not drink from it. - Mom
We gets it at dinner time efurryday!
We gets kibble in our bowls the rest of the day.
Saku: After a good dinner it's great idea to stretch it out.
I also make sure I got efurrybit!
Sasha: After a meal I always head to the mom bean's on sweet for a drink of water. *
Sami: munch, munch, chew. I don't want to leave even a crumb in the bowl.

Sami: Yummm...that was good stuff!!!
Saku: Hey Sami, you left a crumb or two and it's mine!
Hope you all have a great Thankful Thursday with stinky goodness for dinner!
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