Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Mancat Monday or Tabby Tuesday?
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here
Sigh... this mom bean is proving to be furry difficult to train.
Not only does she spend the entire day away from us chasing green papers, but then she comes home and does stuff too.
Sheesh, silly bean! She could be out here in the sunny room with me relaxing.
So this post is probably too late for Mancat Monday and too early for Tabby Tuesday but I am going to insist she post it anyway. Because I'm a handsome mancat and a pawsome tabby too!
Have a great day, whatever day it is efurrybody!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Slacker Sunday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
We is so sorry we hasn't been around this week. The mom bean has been seriouslybusy slacking. Do you know this is the first picture she has taken of me all week? Seriously, what's up with that?
She better do better for the rest of the week or this kitty is gonna get my revenge!
But just in case, have a great week efurrybody!
We is so sorry we hasn't been around this week. The mom bean has been seriously
She better do better for the rest of the week or this kitty is gonna get my revenge!
But just in case, have a great week efurrybody!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Takeover Tuesday
Hi efurrybody, Hollywood here. I asked my aunt bean if I could say thank you to efurrybody for your kind comments and she said yes!
I is the cuzin of Sasha, Sami, and Saku, daughfur to Puddy, and sisfur of PJ (Puddy Junior). I lives with my momfur and sisfur on a farm. Most of the time I is a porch kitty, sometimes I is an outdoor kitty, and once in a while I gets to be a house kitty.
A couple of weeks ago I had to go to the ebil v e t for surgery on my eye. I'll let the aunt bean explain.
Hollywood had a sore eye and the vet had given them antibiotics to treat it, but it wasn't improving. Then the vet realized her eyelids were curling in, the hair was rubbing against the eye causing an abscess. The vet operated to fix the eyelid and then scraped (ewww) the abscess. As of last evening, Hollywood has the all clear, the eye is completely healed and the stitches were removed. Back to Hollywood.
You can't tell from my picture but I is a black kitty, with grey furs underneath. The aunt bean can't figure out why the v e t had to shave so much fur but it took off some of my mats so I was happy. I didn't like the cone of shame though.
This is my sisfur PJ. She and I are both long haired kitties. She looks like our momfur, Puddy 'cuz she's a tortie but our momfur is short hair.
We lubs our aunt bean 'cuz she gives us brushies to help get rid of our mats. (Even if it looks like PJ is sticking her tongue out at her, MOL)

This is where we live most of the time. It is a bright, sunny room (when the sun is shining), and our pawrents have given us baskets and beds to sleep on.
We also have two litter boxes, plus we can usually get outside as the beans leave the door unlatched for us except in the winter. When we can we sneaks into the house. It's fun to listen to the beans run around looking for us.
Well, I just want to say again, thank you to efurrybody for your purrs and kind thoughts. I is feeling much better, and now I can come and go as I please again. The only thing I'll miss is being able to be in the house. Maybe I can ask aunt bean to come again soon.. she's a realsucker softie. I even gots to sleep on the bed with her when she stayed with me.
Have a great Tuesday efurrybody!
I is the cuzin of Sasha, Sami, and Saku, daughfur to Puddy, and sisfur of PJ (Puddy Junior). I lives with my momfur and sisfur on a farm. Most of the time I is a porch kitty, sometimes I is an outdoor kitty, and once in a while I gets to be a house kitty.
A couple of weeks ago I had to go to the ebil v e t for surgery on my eye. I'll let the aunt bean explain.
Hollywood had a sore eye and the vet had given them antibiotics to treat it, but it wasn't improving. Then the vet realized her eyelids were curling in, the hair was rubbing against the eye causing an abscess. The vet operated to fix the eyelid and then scraped (ewww) the abscess. As of last evening, Hollywood has the all clear, the eye is completely healed and the stitches were removed. Back to Hollywood.
You can't tell from my picture but I is a black kitty, with grey furs underneath. The aunt bean can't figure out why the v e t had to shave so much fur but it took off some of my mats so I was happy. I didn't like the cone of shame though.
This is my sisfur PJ. She and I are both long haired kitties. She looks like our momfur, Puddy 'cuz she's a tortie but our momfur is short hair.
We lubs our aunt bean 'cuz she gives us brushies to help get rid of our mats. (Even if it looks like PJ is sticking her tongue out at her, MOL)

This is where we live most of the time. It is a bright, sunny room (when the sun is shining), and our pawrents have given us baskets and beds to sleep on.
We also have two litter boxes, plus we can usually get outside as the beans leave the door unlatched for us except in the winter. When we can we sneaks into the house. It's fun to listen to the beans run around looking for us.
Well, I just want to say again, thank you to efurrybody for your purrs and kind thoughts. I is feeling much better, and now I can come and go as I please again. The only thing I'll miss is being able to be in the house. Maybe I can ask aunt bean to come again soon.. she's a real
Have a great Tuesday efurrybody!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Late Mancat Monday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
Can you believe it? The mom bean just gotted home and it's like late o'clock here!*
She was on the road 'cuz she had to pick up our cuzin Hollywood at the ebil v e t office. Her bean brofur told her Hollywood had an appointment to have her stitches out in the morning, but he forgotted to tell her Hollywood had an appointment after work to have her eye examined too.
Mom bean says it's a good thing she likes her bean brofur, and she lubs Hollywood more.
So Hollywood is home safe and sound, and very glad to be there with her momfur and sisfur. She gotted her stitches out, the cone of shame is gone, and she can hang out in the porch in the sunshine.
I guess I'm not too mad at the mom bean for being away so long 'cuz I know she was helping our cuzin.
Good night efurryone! Hope you all had a wonderful Mancat Monday!
*it's only 8 p.m. but apparently for Saku that's late - Mom
Can you believe it? The mom bean just gotted home and it's like late o'clock here!*
She was on the road 'cuz she had to pick up our cuzin Hollywood at the ebil v e t office. Her bean brofur told her Hollywood had an appointment to have her stitches out in the morning, but he forgotted to tell her Hollywood had an appointment after work to have her eye examined too.
Mom bean says it's a good thing she likes her bean brofur, and she lubs Hollywood more.

I guess I'm not too mad at the mom bean for being away so long 'cuz I know she was helping our cuzin.
Good night efurryone! Hope you all had a wonderful Mancat Monday!
*it's only 8 p.m. but apparently for Saku that's late - Mom
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Cuzin Caturday
Hi efurrybody, this is our cuzin Hollywood. She had to have surgery on her eye a week or so ago. Mom bean isn't sure exactly what was wrong, but her lower eye lid was turned in so the ebil v e t had to fix it.
Today, mom bean is going to the farm to stay with Hollywood 'cuz her beans are going away. Hollywood has to have medicines over the weekend, and then have her stitches taken out on Monday. Mom bean is going to take her to the v e t on Monday and is a little worried Hollywood won't want to co-operate. This could be fun!
We will miss the mom bean but we's sure Hollywood will be happy to have her there.
See you all on Monday!
Friday, July 18, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Almost Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Tardy Tabby Tuesday
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
We is late AGAIN, and it is 'cuz the mom bean was lazy busy. Do you know what she did?
The crazy bean went outside to pull weeds and something she calls dead-heading. That sounds a little scary to us but our heads aren't dead so I thinks we will be okay.
Or maybe not? Mom, you better not be trying anything 'cept giving me scritches!!!
Hope efurrybody had a great Tabby Tuesday!

The crazy bean went outside to pull weeds and something she calls dead-heading. That sounds a little scary to us but our heads aren't dead so I thinks we will be okay.
Or maybe not? Mom, you better not be trying anything 'cept giving me scritches!!!
Hope efurrybody had a great Tabby Tuesday!
Monday, July 14, 2014
Late Mancat Monday

It's another late Mancat Monday but I can't blame it all on the mom bean today. I was enjoying my nap in the sunshine so much, that she had a hard time waking me up to post.
Did you get a long nap in the sun today too?
Hope you all had a great Mancat Monday!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Sunny Sunday
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
Our mom bean is the bestest! And I am not saying it 'cuz she's doing the tippy tapping!!
She worked furry hard yesterday cleaning up the rest of glass in the sunny room. Then she did this:
Yep, she covered up the window with cardboard. She says this way we Saku won't try to get through the screen and get outside. We don't worry about someone or something getting in 'cuz the sunny room is off the back of the house and mom bean says the dead bolt would keep anyone from breaking into the house I isn't sure how something that is dead could do that, but mom bean seems pretty sure.
So today, me and my brofurs are enjoying the sunshine in the sunny room!
The windows are open for some whiffies. It's a great day for a nap!

We hopes you all have a sunny Sunday efurryone!
Our mom bean is the bestest! And I am not saying it 'cuz she's doing the tippy tapping!!
She worked furry hard yesterday cleaning up the rest of glass in the sunny room. Then she did this:
So today, me and my brofurs are enjoying the sunshine in the sunny room!
The windows are open for some whiffies. It's a great day for a nap!

We hopes you all have a sunny Sunday efurryone!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Catch-up Caturday
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
I has been helping the mom bean unpack and now I is sitting on the suitcase so she doesn't pack it again.
She says she isn't going away again for awhile but I'm not sure I believes her!
We is all furry glad to have her home, but we is also furry sad too. Something bad happened while she was away.
Can you see what happened?
Not really? I'll show you a close-up.
Yep, a window in the sunny room got broked. We don't know how as there was no branch or dead burd or anything.
Mom bean says she is thankful we wasn't in the room when it broke. But we is furry sad 'cuz she says until all of the glass is cleaned up we can't go out there.
So for now, we is stuck inside the house. :( Oh well, it could be worse, mom bean could still be away.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
I has been helping the mom bean unpack and now I is sitting on the suitcase so she doesn't pack it again.
She says she isn't going away again for awhile but I'm not sure I believes her!
We is all furry glad to have her home, but we is also furry sad too. Something bad happened while she was away.
Can you see what happened?
Not really? I'll show you a close-up.
Yep, a window in the sunny room got broked. We don't know how as there was no branch or dead burd or anything.
Mom bean says she is thankful we wasn't in the room when it broke. But we is furry sad 'cuz she says until all of the glass is cleaned up we can't go out there.
So for now, we is stuck inside the house. :( Oh well, it could be worse, mom bean could still be away.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Ticked off Tabby Tuesday
Hi efurrybody, Sami here! I just has time for a furry quick post 'cuz the mom bean has abandoned us once again. This was 'sposed to be Madcat Monday but she says she was too busy. Too busy, my whiskers, too lazy would be more like it.
Anyways, I tried my best to keep her from leaving, but would she listen? No she would not. She says she'll catch us up to date when she gets back on Furriday. She better or there will be prezzies on her pillow!
See you soon...I hope!
Anyways, I tried my best to keep her from leaving, but would she listen? No she would not. She says she'll catch us up to date when she gets back on Furriday. She better or there will be prezzies on her pillow!
See you soon...I hope!
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Easy on Sunday
It's the mom bean here since kitties are taking it easy today and I decided not to disturb them.
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Have a wonderful day everyone!
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Caturday Visit
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
My bean sisfur came for a visit with us kitties today. Mom bean says she also came to eat, do laundry, and enjoy the air conditionings.

It's furry hot here (for us), but my brofurs are still hanging out in the sunny room. Me, I prefer the cooler part of the house. Maybe my fur coat is warmer than theirs?
Anyway, I is making sure she takes home some of my furs when she leaves.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
My bean sisfur came for a visit with us kitties today. Mom bean says she also came to eat, do laundry, and enjoy the air conditionings.

It's furry hot here (for us), but my brofurs are still hanging out in the sunny room. Me, I prefer the cooler part of the house. Maybe my fur coat is warmer than theirs?
Anyway, I is making sure she takes home some of my furs when she leaves.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Almost Wordless Wednesday
Isn't he cute when he's nearly asleep?
(Sorry it's out of focus...I was trying not to wake him and held the camera out away from me.)
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Tabby Toes Tuesday
Hi efurrybody, guess who?
It's me, Sasha. I'm enjoying the sunshine 'cuz it finally stopped raining.
Just in time for Canada Day celebrations. Don't I look excited?
Have a great Tabby Toes Tuesday efurrybody!
It's me, Sasha. I'm enjoying the sunshine 'cuz it finally stopped raining.
Just in time for Canada Day celebrations. Don't I look excited?
Have a great Tabby Toes Tuesday efurrybody!
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