Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cuzin Caturday

Hi efurrybody, this is our cuzin Hollywood.  She had to have surgery on her eye a week or so ago.  Mom bean isn't sure exactly what was wrong, but her lower eye lid was turned in so the ebil v e t had to fix it.

Today, mom bean is going to the farm to stay with Hollywood 'cuz her beans are going away. Hollywood has to have medicines over the weekend, and then have her stitches taken out on Monday.  Mom bean is going to take her to the v e t on Monday and is a little worried Hollywood won't want to co-operate.  This could be fun!

We will miss the mom bean but we's sure Hollywood will be happy to have her there.

See you all on Monday!


  1. Lots of healing purrs to Hollywood, poor little one. The vet couldn't be TOO evil, since he fixed her eye! :-)

    Good luck to your mom and we sure hope you don't starve in her absence (we assume your human brother will be there, but it's not the same).

  2. Oh I hope all goes well...for Hollywood and for you. Kissies. xox

  3. We hope Hollywood's eye will heal soon. And I hope she will cooperate with your mom when going to the vet!
    Have a great weekend, kitties!

  4. We sure hope Hollywood's eye is back to normal very soon! I'm sure she'd like to ditch her cone. (((purrs))), sweetie. xo

    P.S. Thank you so much for the sweet birthday wishes for Glogirly and helping to make our comment-a-thon a huge success! xo, Katie & Waffles

  5. It's nice of you to be so kind about sharing your mom for the weekend. We hope all goes well with Hollywood and your mom will soon be home.

  6. Yikes, surgery on an eye. I'm glad the worst is over for Hollywood, though she may not think so, what with the collar...

  7. Espero que tudo tenha ido bem.
