Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
Me and Sasha is taking over today 'cuz that pesky little tuxie brofur of ours is a blog hog.
Neener, neener Saku ...it's our turn brat! Now who rules?
Anyways, I just want to say that me and Sasha are furry happy to have mom home and we don't care who knows it. We hardly ever let her out of our sight and never for furry long.
Sasha spends most of his time curled up in the chair that mom thinks is hers...but really belongs to us. As for me, I likes to sit on her lap and keep her pinned down. Maybe I can keep her from going away again! Prob-ly not but it's a great way to gets lots of scritches and lubbing.
The only reason mom isn't in this picture is 'cuz she got up to get a drink of water and I was keeping her spot warm for her.
Have a great Tabby Tuesday efurrybody!
Pee Ess: Mom was far, far, far away in a place with lots of water and fish. She gave us this picture to share with you but we don'ts see any fish! Silly bean!