Sunday, March 30, 2014

No sun Sunday

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

when I looked at the cat television this afternoon, all I saw was snow on the ground, and more snow coming down to the ground.

that means I can't go out in the sunny room.

instead I'm hanging out with my blankie.

I lubs my blankie!

Mom, what the heck did you do to my picture? It looks like I has grey hair just like you, MOL

Pffffttt  to you, you silly bean!

Hope efurryone had a sunny Sunday!


  1. Mol!!! I asked mum why she took my pic while I was moving...makes me look like a flying cat! Sometimes our hair looks white too...silly flashy box!!!
    Hope you're having a nice easy too!!!

  2. Looks like you had good time with your blankie :-) One of my boys loves his blankie, too!
    Sorry to hear you are still getting snow. Brrrr....I hope sun will show up and melt snow away!

  3. Ugh! When it wasn't raining it was snowing this weekend so the mom washed blankies. Now we are busy furring them up again.

  4. Hey! We like how you do the Sucky Dance! Those are some smooth moves...
