Hi efurrybody, Saku here.
The mom bean has one last day off before she has to go chasing green papers, so we're hanging out doing a lot of this while she runs around doing chores and stuff. She really needs to learn to relax like us kitties.
We had a furry good Christmas with some extra treats and lap time with the mom bean (when she wasn't in the kitchen cooking).
We even got a present from our cuzin Stanley. He thought, since we is getting older we might like to have our food up so we wouldn't have to bend over. Furry thoughtful of him...wait a minute is he saying we're old?
Well, I guess we are older than he is so I guess we'll forgive him. We gave him a present too, the tent that mom bean bought us a couple of weeks ago. Except for the one time that Saku napped in it we've ignored it so mom bean though Stanley might enjoy it more. Our bean sisfur says he sleeps in it a lot so we're she's glad someone got some use out of it.
We hope all our furriends had a furry good Christmas too!
Pee Ess: Mom bean says we has some new followers since the last time she looked. Hi efurrybody and welcome!
Merry Christmas efurrybody! We hope Santa Paws brought you the best presents efur.
Have a wonderful day with your beans.
Sasha, Sami, & Saku
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here.
I knows it's been a long time since we've been around. You can put all the blame on the mom bean. She's been "busy". Silly bean!

Not too busy though to get me my dinner. And yes, I am having my dinner on her my chair.
I really don't like eating with my fursibs 'cuz Saku finishes first and then tries to steal mine.
Besides the ambeeants is much better here in front of the Christmouse tree!
We sure hope things are good with efurryone.
Have a great Christmouse week!
Pee Ess:. The mom bean says she can't promise we'll be around much but we'll try to pin her down.
Hi efurrybody, Saku here!
There's a whole lot of this going on around here today....
there's a whole lot of this going on too.
If the mom bean thinks she can just ignore me to watch the hurry hard guys, I'm gonna give her the cold- shoulder.
Well, at least until supper time.
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Hi efurryone. We wants to share this story of a lucky puppy. She was found in a garbage bag beside a dumpster by a man with a big heart.
The man took the woofie home, gave her a bath and a name, Elle. Not only that, she has found her furever home with this pawsome man. Elle even has two other woofies to play with now!
We know there can be some not nice beans in the world, but it makes us happy and thankful when we hear about the good ones.
We purrs that Elle will live a long and happy life with her new bean.
Good morning efurryone! We're all here today!
Mom bean says she thinks we must all be tired from chasing each other around the Chrissymouse tree.
Sasha: zzzzzzzz
Saku: huh, what you saying mom?
Sami: get that flashy box outta my face.
Whatever the reason, we're not telling. And hey, the tree is still standing.
Have a great Tuesday efurrybody! Be sure to get in a nap or two.