Saturday, October 26, 2013

Finally Caturday

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

OMC it's been a furry long time since we's been here to visit our furiends

The lazy busy mom has been working furry hard at her day hunting gig so when she comes home at night she feed us, watches the noisy box, and then goes to sleep.

At least we gets to cuddle with her when she's sleeping.

We has kept busy while we waits for her, emptying the food bowls, napping, playing, filling the litter boxes, napping, hollering for someone to fill the food bowls, playing, napping.  Phew, it makes me tired just thinking about it, MOL.

I'm gonna go have a nap now, and when mom is finished the housework she's gonna let us visit efurrybody.  We knows she'll sit down sometime today 'cuz the green guys are playing on the noisy box.

See you all later!  Have a great Caturday!!!


  1. Sounds like you are keeping yourself very busy! Emptying food bowl and filling litter box etc...very important things to do!

  2. Cuddle well with your mom. Sounds like she needs lots of peace when she comes home.
