Saturday, October 5, 2013

It's Caturday!

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

We're back...'er... really mom is back. So we can get her to tippy tap for us and come visit efurrybody.  We misses efurrybody when she goes away. :(

We has our bean brofur trained really well so we didn't miss a meal or treat while mom was away.

He doesn't let us sleep in his room tho so we hads to talk really loud to our bean sisfur to get into her room, MOL

Mom says she is going to spend her day doing housework.  We say, no way, cuz she has to help us visit efurrybody.  At least when we isn't napping!  She is going to be busy, MOL.

Have a great Caturday efurrbody!!!


  1. Glad your mom is back! Sounds like you were very well taken care of while she was away :-)

  2. Oh my...when we are used to having our mom to sleep with, it is very hard to sleep by ourselves after that. I know. I don't like it when my mom leaves for a weekend. Just me and the pet sitter two times a day. xoxo
