Hi efurrybody, Sasha here today with some really big news!!!
Mom bean told us that in a couple of months the sticky bean and our bean sisfur are moving. Hooray, that means we'll finally have peace and quiet for our naps. AND I won't have to worry about the sticky bean trying to pull my tail anymore!!
How many naps do you s'pose that will be?
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
I was helping mom bean with her breakfast this morning by holding down the new tablecloth. But you know what, it was just laying there all flat and boring. So I did a little rearranging...now it's just purrfect!
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Hi efurrybody, it's Sheldon here today.
I has the sun room all to myself today! Well, at least for the next little while anyway.
The sticky bean is having a nap with his mom bean, and my brofurs are sleeping somewhere else.
That means I get to hang out wherever I want, even on the back of the chairs. Mom bean says my angel sisfur Sami used to do that too.
The whiffies are allllll mine too! Mom bean says I have been a furry good boy and not scratching at the screens lately so the windows can be opened. If I'd only known....
MOL, I made mom bean work to get this photo. I'm hiding under the sticky bean's trampoline. She had to get down on the floor to find me.
Oh, oh I think I hear that sticky bean hollering. Time to go hide somewhere else.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Is not like the others.....can you tell which one?
No, not in this photo, in the next one.
Mom bean says sometimes she can hardly tell where Sheldon starts and Sasha ends.
And then there's me, Saku. She says I'm one of a kind! Sometimes she laughs when she says it but I still think it's a compliment.
Besides, we is getting the hots this weekend. This kitty doesn't want to curl up and nap with anybody when it's hot. Mom bean's knitting...that's another story.
Have a great weekend efurrybody!
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
We want to wish all of our Canadian furriends a happy Canada Day! Mom bean says our country is 151 years old today. That's like a bazillion gazillion kitty naps.
Mom bean brought us home a prezzie from the store too. See my 'stache? It's a nip 'stache for our toy stash, MOL! Actually there are two.
Sheldon got the other one and he went nip crazy!!!
Have a great day efurrybody!