Sunday, June 22, 2014

Getting our easy on

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

It's a good thing we enjoyed the sunshine yesterday 'cuz today is rainy and cool.  Hiss!

Since we can't be out in the sunny room we is all getting our easy on.  I'm hanging out on the back of the couch.

Saku is having some private time with his blanket.

And Sasha is doing what he does best, napping!

Have a great easy Sunday efurrybody!


  1. Aww, Saku, Chumley used to do that too, sometimes.

    You're all doing Easy beautifully! Enjoy the day, no matter the weather. :-)

  2. Saku você está muito fofo com esse cobertor. Espero que o sol volte em breve para vocês, afinal, os dias chuvosos só são bons para dormir e comer hehehe.

  3. Ah, that is the life. We think we might try some of the same.

  4. Sorry the sun went hiding, but looks like you all had relaxing day :-)
    Saku, one of my boys does the same. You are very sweet!

  5. At least the first day of summer was sunny and warm there.
