Sunday, December 22, 2013

Can't prove a thing

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

The mom bean has been lazy about blogging for us again - she says it is 'cuz she is busy with Chrissymouse. What is she saying?  There are no  mouses here!  And I can prove it...

Do you see any live mouses here?

How about in the close up?  Didn't think so, MOL

When the mom bean saw this, she was all "who did this?"  Sami and Sasha said, "not us"
Why is she looking at me?  Can't prove a thing, MOL!!!!  Have a great Sunday efurrbody!


  1. Saku, nós acreditamos em você, que pode duvidar dessa expressão inocente...

  2. LOL!! You are such a clever covered nicely! XX
