Monday, December 29, 2014

Mancat Monday

Hi efurrybody, Sasha here!

The mom bean says it is furry cold outside, so I`ve decided this is as close as I`m going to get to anything snowy.

It`s a purrfect day to have a long nap and that`s what I plan to do. Have a great Mancat Monday efurrybody!


  1. dood...happee day two ewe, hope ewe N de crew hada awesum pawsum Christmas N everee one getted 900 pounds oh perch ! ♥♥ N yur mom getted a new freezer ta store it in ~~~ ☺☺

  2. Yes, inside is a good place for cats; it's safe and warm there. The temperature here is -21°, with a wind-chill of -33°. Friday is supposed to be above freezing, then back down to the minus twenties next week. Sigh. Winter is no fun for humans or cats, Sasha...
