These pictures are from yesterday 'cuz mom is watching the noisy box again. She says she's too busy to chase us around with the flashy box, MOL.

The sun comed out so mom let us out in the sunny room and turned on the little heater thing. Here I is enjoying the warm.
What am I looking at? Can you guess?
Ha, ha it's my brofur Saku. I don't know what he's looking at, MOL.
Do you see the marks on the door frame? That's my doing 'cuz I likes to use it as a scratching post.
Mom just sighs and says good thing there is wood filler and paint. I don't know what she means.

It was warm enuf that evens my silly sisfur Sami came out to enjoy the sun puddles.
Mom says it might even gets warm enuf today to lets us go out to the sunny room again!
We sure hopes so.
Have a Happy Easter efurrybody!