Sunday, June 24, 2018

The sticky bean is leaving!

Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.

Check this out!  Do you see that teddy bear strapped down in the suitcase?  Can you guess what this means???

Yep, the sticky bean is going away for a long time*, but mom bean says not furever.  Sigh....

I'm making sure to send some of my furs with him, cuz I think he'll miss me.  I sure won't miss him....well, maybe a little bit.  He does drop fuds on the floor sometimes.

Have a great week efurrybody!

*D and Eli are flying out to B.C. on Tuesday to visit Eli's daddy and family for just over two weeks.  It will be quiet (and a heck of a lot less messy) around here.  

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Caturday annoyance

Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.  Do you see my airplane ears?  I am a little upset.  
The sticky bean has discovered climbing and he took over our cat tree.  It's a CAT tree kid!  

Mom bean has moved the tree to the sunny room so we can still watch the birds.  But I liked this channel on cat television!

Sheesh, do we have to share efurrything with this bean?  

Have a great Caturday efurrybody!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Yummy in my tummy

Hi efurrybody, Sheldon here today.  
One good thing about having the sticky around is that he drops his fuds.  First I had some Cheerios, and now I'm having some banana.  Yum!

Our furriends at It's all about the Cats like to eat lots of bean fuds too! I wonder if they'd like the sticky bean's breakfast too?

Have a great Caturday efurrybody!