Saturday, December 4, 2021

All's well that ends well

 Hi efurrybody, it's cuzin Stanley here today.

The old mom bean took this photo of me waiting for the coffee to finish. More on that later.

Early this week, our sticky bean had another sticky bean come over for a visit.  The boys were playing hard and the other sticky bean fell on top of me and then our sticky bean fell on him. I didn't tell anyone I was hurting until that evening, when my brofur Sheldon wanted to play.

The young mom bean heard us hissing and hollering at each other and separated for the night. The next morning, she called the ebil v e t, and later when the old mom bean came to the house, we all went there. I had to stay for awhile and have x-rays. Thankfully, there was nothing broken - I was just very sore. They said I was a furry good boy and didn't get angry with them even when they poked me.

When I came home, I was furry wobbly on my legs, but the old mom bean petted me and gave me lots of loves while keeping the sticky bean away.  She also kept Sheldon in her bedroom overnight, and let me out of the other bedroom when I wanted a drink of water. I had to take some pain medications too for a few days - and I'm doing fine with that.

After a couple of days I was feeling so much better, and me and Sheldon had our morning tussle. 

The old mom bean took a video but her phone and puter won't talk to each other right now. But I can say that we both gave as good as we got, MOL!

Oh, as to the coffee thing - I used to live with the sticky bean's dad. He wasn't a good provider and sometimes all I had to eat and drink was coffee grounds and coffee water. Even now, I like the taste so even though the old mom bean usually drinks tea, she makes coffee to share with me when she visits. She's a good old dragon!


  1. Stanley, that was an awful ordeal for you. We're very glad that nothing was broken and that you're back to tussling. We're appalled that you sometimes had only coffee grinds to eat in your previous life; the thought makes us sick. However, we're so happy you have a proper, loving forever home now. ❤️

  2. Geez, that could have been serious, Stanley. I'm glad you are all right, though indeed, you must have been very sore. But you cats will decide when you are feeling better, and tussling with Sheldon proves it. As for the bad provider - if a cat has only coffee to eat, what else is there to write about such a home? You are much better off now, Stanley, even if children fall on now and then.

  3. Stanley, we are so glad you are okay. That must have been scary when the sticky beans fell on you like that. We are glad you have a loving forever home now, where you have real food and fresh water to eat and drink. XO

  4. dood....YeOW~~~~~ we iz sorree ta heer thiz... tho we iz buzzed happee ewe iz way better again..... N sheldon prob ablee smelled "vet" on waz nothin purrsonull~~~~ st francis' blessingz for continmewed improove mint anda most meree Christmas two we both ♥♥♥

  5. I don't know if I have thanked your human's mum for her kind words on the passing of my friend, Tucker. Every time someone expresses her sympathy, it's as if the burden of grief is lightened just a little. It is greatly appreciated, and I am grateful.
