Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
The mom bean caught me napping* and thought to get a photo because she thinks I'm so cute.
Of course, I woke up before she got the picture. We kitties are furry sensitive to noise, right? Okay maybe not always.
Have a great day efurrybody!
*catching him napping is not the issue, waking him is.
Hi efurrybody, Sasha here today.
I was tucked in on my side of the bed when the mom bean decided she needed a photo of me. Don't I look comfy?
Mom bean says for a little cat I sure take up a lot of room on the bed. I say that's my pero, perog, right to do so! My spot is in front of the pillows right beside her. She used to sleep on that side of the bed but I took it for myself.
Saku purrfurs the end of the bed. I think he knows better than to try to sleep in my spot. Sometimes he is a smart kitty.
Have a great day efurrybody!
Hi efurrybody, Saku here today.
We had a couple more rides in the car this week. Mom bean took this picture of me in my carrier.
You can see that I'm buckled in. So was mom bean so she didn't get a furry good photo 'cuz she had to squish around to take the photo (and no, she wasn't driving). I also has my blanket with me.
Mom bean says I (and Sasha) was a good boy on this trip. I didn't yell or talk loud to her and just chillaxed in my carrier. We're getting tired of these car rides but mom has learned to park the car just a short ride away from home, turn the masheen off, and open the windows for fresh air.
The other thing she's learned is Sasha can't see her when he's in his carrier...or else he yells! So we have our furry own spots in the car. See, I is a good kitty!
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!
Hi effurybody Saku here today. I was helping the mom bean last night with her crotcheting. She says crocheting but if you heard the words she says when I try to help....sheesh you'd think I was getting in the way or something.
Look at the face. Does that look like the face of a kitty who gets in the way? Never mind, don't answer that question. MOL! Of course I'm in the way, 'cuz I deserve my lap time. That is, if I can't have the chair to myself.
Have a great day efurrybody!