Saturday, April 20, 2019

Happy Caturday

Hi efurrybody, Sasha here today.  

Mom took this picture of me sleeping yesterday.  I was in the sunny room and it was sunny!  We've been able to spend time out there just about efurry day this week.  My old bones sure like it!
Spring has sprung here and the snow is all gone.  We did get some rain one day this week and our cat television had this program.

Mom bean says these burds are silly.  They were drinking out of the puddle.  There is a pond just a few blocks away!

It's kind of cloudy here today but warm.  I'm hoping the door to the sunny room will soon be open.  If it's not I'll be sure to yell.....right after my nap.

Have a great Caturday efurryone!

*I assume this is the same pair that has been nesting every summer in the neighbourhood.  They like to roost on top of one of the neighbour's garage.  Weird! - mom


  1. Happy Saturday and happy Easter weekend!

    It's cold and rainy here, but hey, it's not snow...uh, knock on wood. LOL.

    Enjoy the weekend and we hope you get lots of great kitty TV, as well as time in the sun room!

  2. At our old house we had a pair of ducks that nested in our yard almost every year. It was crazy because we weren’t near the water. Now we live on the water and we see lots of ducks...and noisy geese too!

  3. Awww Sasha, glad you enjoyed a nice sunny day! And what a fun TV program you’ve got! Haha I guess they think puddle water tastes better :-)
    Have a great weekend xo

  4. Sasha, I am glad you let us know what's going on there. Isn't it nice not to have freezing temperatures and ice? Your TV will get in more channels all within a few weeks.

  5. Hooray for springtime, warmer weather, and better TV programs! :)

  6. dood....we R troo lee sorree yur eggz cell ant day had ta bee ruined bye de site oh de ewe noe whatz ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaa....heerz two a grate week a head !! ☺☺♥♥

  7. I’m behind on your blog, but I’m glad I stopped by. I took my foster-cat, Parker, out for a walk this weekend, and he too enjoyed the sun on his furs. It was the first spring day here that actually felt vernal.

    I like seeing the ducks, and am glad they keep coming back for build their nests. I’d be very pleased if they chose the roof of my house for garage.
