Sunday, March 25, 2018

Another Easy Sunday

Hi efurrybody, it's Saku here today.  
I'm enjoying my easy on the mom bean's bed.  It's not made 'cuz she's still in bed too!

Because she's lazy watching curling. I don't really care if it means I get to relax. 

Ed: That didn't last very long.

Hi efurrybody, it's Sheldon here today, MOL.

Yep, I chased that big brofur off the bed, 'cuz I wanted the spot.

You know who else is enjoying an easy today? 

Nope it isn't Sasha, it's Mr. Bunny! (Mom bean took this photo yesterday but he's out there today too).

We're pretty excited to see he is starting to turn brown.  Even though we got another dump of snow, we're pretty sure this means spring is on its way!!!  

Have a great easy Sunday efurrybody!


  1. Ooh, a cosy bed AND Mr. Bunny! Hey, maybe it's the Easter Bunny!

    Enjoy your Sunday. :-)

  2. We like seeing Mr. Bunny! Do you think he’s cold out in all that snow.

  3. Aww Saku, looks like you had nice relaxing time with your mom! Well until Sheldon showed up :-)
    That’s s cute bunny! We are looking forward to spring!

  4. Yes, if the rabbits turn colour, surely the snow must be on its way out. And good Heavens, Sheldon, how big you are now!

  5. Sheldon, you ARE a big boy now! And I love seeing Mr Bunny. I get to see so few any more around here.

  6. guyz....wavez two ewe all anda happee earl lee easturr....we hope de rabbitt leeved sum goodz for harez heer never ternz colorz...thatz kinda kewl de onez up ther due !! heerz two a grate week a head !! ☺☺♥♥

  7. Those are some good easies, mew guys! And that bunny! We sure hope he's staying warm out there in the snow!

  8. You both look so comfy relaxing on the bed.
    That bunny looks very fluffy!
    Stay warm =)
