Hi everyone, it's the mom bean. I have indeed, left the kitties behind at home with my son who will take care of their every need, if not their every whim while I'm away.
We're out on the east coast of Canada, currently in Halifax, Nova Scotia. One of the places we visited today was the Maritime Museum where the CSS Acadia is docked. I was excited to find that Erik the Red was available for photographs.
We were very lucky to find him because as of tomorrow, Erik will officially retire.
He wasn't in the mood for a cuddle but he did allow a photo before he took his afternoon nap.
What a handsome boy! I hope he enjoys his well-deserved retirement.
Sasha, Sami, & Saku will be back in early October. See you all then!
Mom bean had to run like a crazy woman to grab the flashy box to take this picture. She's hardly efur seen all three of us so close together!
It's good to keep her guessing, MOL
Hi efurrybody, Saku here.
The mom bean has a bazillion things on her to-do list today.
One of them is to start packing...yep, she's gonna abandon us again ...with our bean brofur.
I had two things on my to-do list.
Stay out of mom's way....done
Have a nap....about to be done.
It's so good to be a cat. Have a great Sunday efurrybody!

Hi efurrybody, Sasha here.

It's a holiday Monday here so the mom bean is home with us.
No sunny room time though 'cuz we've got the cools. (only 6C/42F this morning).
I'm quite enjoying my nap. Well, as long as I can ignore that silly flashy box.
Have a Happy Labour Day efurryone! And if it isn't a holly-day for you have a great Monday!
Hi efurrybody, Saku here.
It's been a furry noisy Sunday here at our house. The mom bean did a whole lot of yelling at the noisy box and appawently it worked 'cuz our guys won.
That's not the best part of the day though. The best part is that I gets to hang out with her while Sami and Sasha go somewhere else to get away from the noise.
Who's the winner now?
Have a great Sunday efurrybody!
Hi efurrybody, Sami here!
The sun has gone away today and the cools are here so we are hanging out in the house with the mom bean.

I've claimed the mom bean's chair. It might look like there is enuf room for both of us. But if she tries to sit down I stretch out, MOL
The brofurs, Sasha and Saku are snoozing on the mom bean's bed.
No snuggling allowed there too!
We haven't been posting much 'cuz the mom bean is too busy lazy. But she's been letting us visit our furriends sometimes. So maybe I will let her share the chair. Or may be not!
Have a great Caturday efurrybody!