Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Funny

Hi efurrybody, Sasha here.

This is not me, but sometimes my bean brofur throws me into the snow outside the sunny room.
Next time he does I am going to show him this picture.  Or maybe not, MOL

The mom bean told us today she abandoning us is going away for a week.  That is like elebenty seventy nine kitty days or something like that.  She better watch out too 'cuz she might find something in her shoes when she get back.

Have a great week efurrybody.  We hope time goes by fast and we'll see you soon.


  1. Don't worry, your mum will come back refreshed and ready for more time with her cats.

  2. Is your bean brovver your kitty sitter? xxoo God speed your mommy.

  3. Oh poor kitty in the photo, but LOL! Oh I hope the kitty's human gets poop in shoes :-)
    Sorry that your mom is going away. I wish her a safe trip and good luck with shoes, hehehe.

  4. partee at kitty korner'z houz !!!! startin in.....5....7....3...8...1 !!!!! hope yur mom haza safe trip N ewe guys haz de BEST houz trashin partee....ever !!!

    N hope everee one haza pound oh perch week oh end !!

  5. Maybe that mean brofur would like to go WITH her? Sounds good to me!

  6. Yup, the shoes would be VERY nice revenge.
    ; )

  7. Has your mom returned safely yet? Will it be okay for her to put on her shoes or slippers?

  8. Thank you for your remarks concerning Bear-Bear's passing. I guess he did adopt me. Cats don't know the difference between foster-homes and permanent homes. And sometimes, as in the case of the BB, neither do humans.

  9. Oh my, luckily we don't have snow anymore! Oh, I have just survived an abandonment! It wasn't nice at all to have this change of routines! May the force be with you!!
