Monday, November 4, 2013

Mancat Monday

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

Since the mom has gotten her new flashy box, she has been chasing following me around the house.  Mom says I am very foto jenic, which I guess means I looks good, MOL.

I gotta say, I thinks she's right!  Have a great Mancat Monday efurrbody!!


  1. You're quite right, Saku: you are quite photogenic. The second picture makes you look like a kitten.

  2. You sure look great, Saku! No wonder your mom is chasing you around... :-)

  3. dood...ewe iz veree foto genic...lookin veree handsome inn deed !!! we eggs special lee like poze three !!! happee mackerull monday ta all !~~~~~~

  4. Yep, your mom is right. You are photogenic.
