Monday, October 12, 2015

Mancat Monday

Hi efurrybody, Saku here!

The mom bean took these picktures yesterday.  

She asked me "who has seen the wind?"

What a silly question, even this kitty knows you can't see the wind.

But a kitty can see what the wind can do!

After the sun and wind, the rain came too.

I'm sure thankful to be an indoor kitty! 

Happy mancat Monday efurrbody!  Happy Thanksgiving to all the other Canadian kitties (and beans too).


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! What a great cat tree, you have the perfect spot to snoopervise everything in the neighbourhood!

  2. We have all seen what the wind can do. In some instances, it can do a lot of damage.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all those that are celebrating.

  3. Saku você tem sorte de estar dentro de casa!
    Boa semana!

  4. I wish every kitty could live indoors.

  5. guys...a veree happee thanx be giving two ewe all & yur mom & yur familee; hope ya getted ta spend two day with thoz ya loves, hope yur mom dinna cook a bass terd turkee burd like they due heer in de states & hope everee one N joyed ther day & had LOTZ oh pie !!!! ♥♥♥

  6. Wow that must be very strong wind! I love your cat look very cute in there :-)

  7. Yeah, it's better to be inside when it's windy. Otherwise, you might get blown away! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. It's funny that the wind has been blowing hard here, too. Southern Alberta is famous for its wind, but I didn't think it blew much in Regina.

  9. The wind can be pretty scary, can't it? Hopefully you didn't get any damage.

    Critter Alley
