Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Just Chillin'

 Hi efurrybody, Saku here.  Mom bean is sticking around and I'm having a great time. I's waking her up in the o'dark early, begging for treats and loves, and then ignoring her when she is up and moving. Gotta keep the beans on their toes!

She brought some photos of my cuzins, Stanley and Spencer to show me. I'm not all that impressed. Apparently, they both love to lounge on her bed. Well so do I!  You be the judge...who does it best?


Don't blame me that mom bean didn't make her bed!


  1. Oh, Saku, don't make us choose! You're ALL amazing at snoozing on your mom's beds. It's a tie for the gold medal! 🏅❤️

  2. Stanley and Spencer are pretty good at bed lounging, but you are the king, Saku! XO

  3. Everyone knows you can't make a bed with a cat on it, so, well, it's partly your fault, Saku, but you make up for it with your lounging.

  4. dood…ewe get de gold medal and de cuzinz stanley and spencer tiez for de silver
    wavez two everee one, grate ta see ewe again ‼️💙💚🐟
