Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sneaky Sunday

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

A girlcat can't even get a drink of water around here without the mom sneaking up with that flashy box!

Okay just one more!

Time to go take it easy in the sunny room with my brofurs.

Have a great Sunday efurrbody!!!


  1. Sheesh! EVERYKITTY but me has a cool drinking fountain! Oh, Huuuuuuuuuuuman!!!

    I loved the glimpse of your sweet pink tongue XOXO

  2. I wish my Tungsten would drink from a fountain; she needs me to turn on a tap for her. Usually at four in the morning. Sigh.

  3. I know, flashy box is everywhere.
    I love your water fountain very much!

  4. Nós agradecemos as fotografias, por favor Sami não fique aborrecida com a caixa chamativo.
