Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tabby Tuesday

Hi efurrybody, Sami here!

I know my brofur Saku thinks that he rules 'cuz he's a tuxie but he is soooooo wrong.  'Cuz me and brofur Sasha are the tabby kitties and we only lets him think he rules MOL!

We's taking over Tuxie Tuesday and we won't give it back!  Happy Tuesday efurrybody!


  1. Well, we're partial to tabbies, for obvious reasons, but we think there are enough days in the week to have a balance in your blog posts. :-)

    Now, when it comes to "sharing" treats....forget it, we don't advocate for accommodation!

  2. MOL...I agree too...no share treats at all! Meow... Kitty
