Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Sunshine on my/our furs

Makes us happy!  

Hi efurrybody, we're all here today.  Even the mom bean!* It's nice and sunny in our sun room.  AND warm too!  

 Saku: I'm hanging out under the chair.  Mom bean says the sticky bean and our bean sisfur are away for a few days but I'm not taking any chances!

 Sasha:  I purrfer full on sunshine.  I am 18.3333333.... years old you know.  These old bones need some heat. 

If the sticky bean does show up I'll run.
Sheldon:  I is being camera shy.  Mom bean had to chase me around the sun room until I hid under the love seat.  Even then I didn't make it easy for her, MOL!

Thanks to all our furriends for the good wishes about my move. Mom bean says the other mom bean (sisfur) has been reading about introducing kitties to each other.  She's made some plans to give us each some space of our own for the first while. Paws crossed we behave ourselves.

Have a wonderful sun-filled day efurrybody!

*I'm home this afternoon after a gastroscopy this morning.  All is well but it is sure nice to have an afternoon off while the weather is so nice!


  1. I wonder what that is? I sure am purrful glad it's over.
    Sheldon can't you stay home with this mommy?

  2. We’re glad you all are enjoying the sunshine.

  3. Sunshine makes us all feel so much better! Sheldon, we're sure hoping all goes well and are continuing to send purrs to you (and the other kitty!).

    Gaaahhhh to the procedure, but we're glad all is well!

  4. Sounds like you are enjoying a nice sunshine :-)
    Glad gastroscopy is done with good result!

  5. I always enjoy seeing that sun-room, and I'll bet you cats do, too.

    As for the procedure, I hope it doesn't portend anything bad. I'm not sure why they are performed, so I will hope it's just for a check-up.

  6. guyz...grate ta see ewe all heer two day N we hope thiz findz everee one doin sooooper awesum N we iz glad momz doin awesum two....984 pawz crossed awesum stayz ~~~ ☺☺♥

  7. We love how you're all enjoying that nice sun! We are glad the gastroscopy is over. We hope all remains well!

  8. We hope you are enjoying a nice sun-filled day. Rain and clouds have been keeping us from getting any sunshine. We hope you are all getting plenty in your sunroom Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals
